Break Out?


Well-known member
I've read in serveral topics about break outs of your skin because of foundation, or not cleaning your face properly. But what exactly is it?


Well-known member
It could be an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the product. That can happen with a foundation, a cleanser, anything. But that's really only if it's red and looks like hives.

It could be also clogged pores and you are not using the right type of cleanser/products for your skin.


Well-known member
Re: Breaking Out

It's your skin reacting to ingredients found in products. Sometimes it clogs pores or aggravates the skin and causes pimples or blemishes.


Well-known member
break outs can be caused by a number of things....make-up that is not suitable for your skin type, improper skincare regime for your skin type, not having a skincare regime at all, not washing off your make-up at night, stimulation from buffing make-up in, pms, stress, poor diet and not enough water intake, not enough sleep or exercise.....the list goes on and on. if there is smoething not right with your body, chances are your skin will let you know.