bridal makeup makes me crazy!! please tell me im not!!

ok so this weekend i had a bridal party come in.. a couple of weeks ago she came in for a trial and she wanted Black smokey for her makeup.. i suggested NO do browns but thats what she wanted.. and this is what i came up with

she wanted the thick line i did it.. she wanted black.. i kinda did it.. lol

i thoguth it was good for a night out but def not for her wedding.. oh well it was her stag that night so she said it was ok.. so a couple of days before her wedding she calls

"i went to mac today and they did my makeup.. can u do it like they did cuase thats how i like it" ..

she came in.. and they did it EXACTLY like i told her she should have it be done!! drive me nuts!!!

so her wedding day.. i did her makeup.. now i know some of u MUAs know how brides are.. she was just like it.. telling me what i should use and how i should use it.. mean while she NEVER wears makeup.. i know my ish.. let me do my job.. sorry venting! lol

i had her look at the makeup while i was doing it just to make sure that she liked it.. she did.. until i was just about done!!.. i was about to put the lashes on and she comes out with ..

"i dont know i just dont like it.. i like hers better (her maid of honor.. but her eye shape was so much bigger then hers!!!) theres somehting i dont like.. its just too much makeup..not enough colour in the inner corner.. i dont like the lid colour.. "she starts freaking out.. i calmed her down and was like. ok ill put more color in the inner corner and ill change the lid colour.. (.. i did the same thing that the MAC MUA did. just shimmery.. just like she wanted it).. so the outcome

i think it came out beautifully!! i was very pleased with the outcome.. but the stress that i had to go thru for it.. i dont know if i should be doing brides ne more.. becuase im the type of person.. that will tell u like it is.. "LET ME DO MY JOB AND SHUT UP!!".. but i didnt . lol

the products i used

glo minerals foundation
Mac Blush in Style
Innocence Mineral Shadows
clients lip products..

please tell me im not crazy.. i dont know.. ive been doing makeup for three years.. and i just got this job here and its not a high end day spa like i used to work at.. so my theory..

ive worked in more expensive places.. but never had to go thru the stress of makeup there.. then come here.... she prob paid like 20 bucks to get her makeup done.. other places have charge 35-45 so.. i dont know..

i think this is the first time that ive ever been shattered by a bride.. makes me not want to have a wedding ne more! hahahah

thanks for reading my vent!!!


Well-known member
You did a great job, the trouble is that brides become bridezillas right before the wedding. They just want everything to be perfect, so they will bitch about everything. Don't let it get to you, as long as the client is happy and you get paid, that is all that matters in the end.


Well-known member
I've done my fair share of bridal makeup so I can relate to the demands but the final look turned out lovely. Let's just hope she doesn't have a Specktra account haha!


Well-known member
you are not crazy
i luv the bridal day makeup!
the 1st look is great for going out
you did a fantastic job!
and just keep in my mind that most brides maybe stressed out with everything going on.
Originally Posted by VintageAqua
I've done my fair share of bridal makeup so I can relate to the demands but the final look turned out lovely. Let's just hope she doesn't have a Specktra account haha!


dont worry i asked her if she knew anything about the online makeup stuff.. and she just gave me this weird.. theres stuff out there like that.. like i have no time on my hands look!!!.. lol

thats when u know ur safe!! lol


Well-known member
I love both of them. The second one is definitely more wedding appropriate. It looks pretty natural yet glamorous! You did a wonderful job. Don't let one client get to you... just wait and see how it goes. Everyone is different, but your skills are definitely great - I'd sooo let you do my wedding makeup without question haha.


Well-known member
I think you did a great job...ummm I just saw a new members post and she looks exactly like your client!


Well-known member
i think you did a fantastic job! teh first looks is stunning but i prefer the second one (which you suggested in the first place!!) because it's alot softer.

and well done for holding your tongue! i don't think i could have done it!

i don't understand why brides get like that! i was stupidly chilled out on my big day. to be fair i did my own make up. but like when i was getting my hair done i was really relaxed and just let her do her thing!


Well-known member
It is very nice! I love it.
I'm doing my first wedding this weekend
Super stressed... I'll look forward to the second look
She wants something silver and black, we did a test, she loved it


Well-known member
I think you did a great job on her make up... both times!

That being said though, and I am not trying to offend you or start an argument.. but posting her photo in a public forum and talking about how difficult she was.. It comes accross as unprofessional (in my opinion)... I understand that she allowed you to take photos, but I am sure she did not anticipate a post like this to go along with them.. I know if I was her I would be very angry if I saw these posts... I understand your venting about it.. but I feel bad for the bride, having her pics posted here like this....


Well-known member
I had my first bridal gig too and wow. doing hair and makeup is double the stress.
its hard enough for hair do when there's no consultation and no photos to go by. and everyone is stressing out because of time as well. I had my bridal party of 6 arrive about 10-15 mins later and I had be done by a certain time, well i didn't get done til 30 mins later than expected but OMG the last hour I felt like I Had to rushed to be done with everything. I was having issues with the lashes. Do you have your bride close their eyes all the way or just look down when applying eyelashes?

I just hope they were happy in the end with their results, I did feel like the first mom of the bride didn't like my updo much. I've been praciticing like crazy so hopefully it'll get better.


Well-known member
I am missing the bride gene, but some women seem to go apeshit while planning and having their weddings. Some exhibit behavior that they'd probably normally be horrified at, but justify it under the "my special day" clause or whatever.

I think it's something you have to learn to deal with if you're planning on taking wedding makeup gigs --- just grin and bear it and go to boxing later.