Bronze Look for a cold SUMMERS day


Well-known member
It was freaking freezing here today, raining really hard and a freakishly cold wind. I decided to do a warm look (using Amber Lights and Bronze which were valentines day presents from the manthing
) to counteract the generally crappy weather. *grumbles at worst summer ever*

What I Used - MAC unless stated


Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20 (on eyelids as a base), Studio Touch Up Stick in NW20 (for me spots and red cheeks), Thin Lizzy 'Professional' powder as a blush/contour/veeery lightly as a bronzer elsewhere, MSF Natural in Light.
Sunday Best to highlight, Amberlights on inner third of lid, Retrospeck over this, Bronze on middle third, Woodwinked on outer third, leeetle bit of Rushmetal pigment over these last two, Showstopper in crease and outer V-kinda, Maybelline Lineworks Liquid Liner in brown on upper and outer half of lower lash line, Rimmel eyeliner pencil in black on upper lash line and waterline, Maybelline Great Lash mascara in black.
Designer Brands neutraly rosey lipliner, random no-name peachy gloss mixed with Melon pigment.

^ It looks like I used so much stuff.





I decided to let you all see the inside of my bathroom today, and I actually found it really easy to get relatively good makeup pictures using the light from the window. You guys have to put up with an ugly background, though :p This is the closest I could get out of all the pictures to what my skin tone actually looks like. Half came out ghostly pale and couldn't be rectified with photoshop (I'm not THAT pasty) and the other half were quite yellowy, and I couldn't find the right colour balance. At least I got some good ones.

Amber Lights and Bronze are quite similar, but I can see a difference
The bf picked them, so I guess I like them more than if I'd just gone in and said 'gimme those two'.

Anyway! Hope I didn't bore you gals (and guys) with all the text, thanks for looking!

Edit: It's funny that it looks like theres bronzer on my temples, when I didn't bother putting anything above my cheeks o_O It looks kind of dirty. Damn! Ah well, I felt hot!


Well-known member
Very pretty and warm! Don't you just love Amber Lights? It was one of my first MAC purchase, I bought it along with Humid & Shroom, they mix together so well!

I really like your headband too, very cute


Well-known member
Thanks everyone!

Ooh, Esperanza, that's the only look I've tried with Amber Lights so far. I'll do it with Humid today


Well-known member
If it makes you feel any better, it's all snowy and freezing cold here in Canada. I'll trade you!!

Anywho, I love the look, you have such pretty eyes!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone
I really liked wearing these colours, they made me feel all glowy ^.^

Originally Posted by Amaranth
If it makes you feel any better, it's all snowy and freezing cold here in Canada. I'll trade you!!

No thanks
I'm cool where I am, despite the random summer 11 degrees celsius days.