
New member
I've been searching for the perfect bronzer for my nc45 Indian skin. However, they either blend right in with my skin tone or look like a speck of mudiness up on my face ugh. Suggestions ladies?


Well-known member Start here - this thread has a lot of good suggestions and tips, and you fall within the color range discussed in the thread.


Well-known member
I've been searching for the perfect bronzer for my nc45 Indian skin. However, they either blend right in with my skin tone or look like a speck of mudiness up on my face ugh. Suggestions ladies?
I am NC 50 so I know exactly what you mean. The link that Sagehen posted is a great place to start. I just discovered NARS Gienah.Its a contour kit but if you play around with different types of brushes it is a great matte bronzer that is not too red or orange or gray & it comes with its own highlight shade.Both shades in this little kit are very pigmented. NARS Casino is nice too but i had to use a lot to get a bronzer effect. I tried Anastasia but it was gray & muddy.
I also like Sleek Face Form kit, I like dark. MAC Format & Sunbasque are pretty if you like a bit of shimmer.