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brush cleaning tutorial (text only)


Well-known member
my digital camera's battery is dead (i'm in need, but too poor, of a new camera anyway) so this is just text, but it doesn't really need pictures anyway hah. hope this helps somebody
you'll need a few things before you start..

1) all of your dirty makeup brushes!
2) shampoo of your choice (i use a clarifying shampoo, they work best i've learned
3) a clean towel and a place to spread it out and put all of your brushes on

once you've got everything you need to clean your brushes, it's time to do the deed! make sure you have everything easily accessible before you begin, and you'll need to be near a sink also (obviously hehe)

1) get a little dab of your shampoo on your hands (just a tiny bit will do, a little smaller than the size of a dime)
2) work the shampoo into your brush creating a foamy lather.
3) rinse your brush VERY well to make sure you've got all the shampoo out of the bristles.
4) repeat this process as many times as necessary and on each brush until the water you rinse them with runs clear.
5) lay all of your brushes out on your clean towel and allow them to air dry overnight.
6) use as usual!

i know there are alot of ways to clean brushes, but this is the way that i've found works best for me, so i hope it works for all you ladies and gentlemen too


Well-known member
another Tip would be to set your brushes on something so that the brush hairs are downhill from the handle (setting the tips of the handles on something like a lip gloss container). so that all the extra moisture can drain completely out of where the brush hairs meet the Handle. Brushes that hold moisture will rot. and thats gross!


Well-known member
Thanks for taking the time to do this. We've needed a tut with some basic instructions. I also do the shampoo method and it works just fine.

Something I've found that works well too, is after I rinse the brushes, I try to get as much moisture out by shaking them with strong arm thrusts downward, then the smaller eyebrushes I wrap the tips in some toilet paper. This helps them retain their original shape when drying, and the bristles don't fray as much.


I use Baby shampoo and it works wonders.
Someone I know uses pure alcool and says it works really well too, but I would tend to think that it would be too drying...


Well-known member
To speed up the drying process for the brush(es), use a clean towel to gently soak the water from the brush (hairs?) and also dry the handles (I don't like dry water stains on my brushes! hehe). Then either lay flat to dry or elevate the brush with the handle poking upwards.

(An MA's advice when I bought my first brush!


my instructor taught me to use alcohol to clean brushes as you go. since it dries quickly. and she told us to use clean and clear to shampoo them, but i use baby shampoo.