Brush Newbie



I would like to get a few brushes. I know the Mac ones have received great reviews, but am unsure which ones to get.

Could anyone please recommend me some brushes?

I am after a foundation brush: for liquid and cream foundations, never applied it with a brush before, but have heard and read lots about it.

Some eyeshadow brushes: not sure which ones I would need? I am not really an expert with eye makeup. I guess one for applying it and one for blending?

Lips: again not sure about this one or whether I actually need any as I usually only use lipgloss.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Well-known member
I would recommend the MAC 239 and 217 brushes to start with for eyeshadows. Both are very versatile. The 239 is great for all over lid application, and also for applying highlighters to the brow bone. The 217 is a great all around blending brush. Good for crease work and blending in general.

The MAC 187 is also a great "workhorse" of a brush for the face. I use it for everything from liquid foundation to applying bronzer to applying pressed powder.

If you are mainly a lipgloss girl, a lipbrush is probably not essential.



Active member
If you get any brush, it should be the 187 brush from MAC. It's pricey but it works for just about anything (foundation, blush). It can do a lot.

My other favorites are 239 (for e/s), 222 or 224 (for blending), 242 (I use it mainly for paint pots), 209 or 210 (fluidline). There's so much more but you can't go wrong with those for starters.


Well-known member
I totally agree with MZRach... these are musts -- if you are lining, you will need a 208 or 266 also (I personally prefer the 208), and if you want to do a smokey smudged eye, you might look into the 219


For beginner, I would say try the Sigma brushes. I love them. They are comparable to Mac brushes' quality but they are very affordable.

For Mac brushes, I love my 187 and 188, they are great for liquid foundation, blush, and bronzer


Well-known member
For the face, definitely #187, I use it for liquid foundation, blushes.

For the eyes, #217 is great for a beginner. You can use it to apply e/s and for blending. #242 is another favourite brush of mine, I use it to apply e/s, for the outer v, and highlights.
Along with what others above said...

Face: 187 is one of the most popular, I actually really like the 109 for foundation. I find it to be a bit less streaky .. but both are really great brushes and 187 is definitaly the more multi-functional one.

Eyes: All you really need to achieve most looks are the 239 to apply color to the lid and some type of blending brush. Personally I use the 217, but I have heard amazing things about the 224 as well. The 224 is a bit bigger.

Instead of getting a lip brush, if you plan to get another one.. I would say get a blush brush. I use the 129 for blush and I also use the flat side of it for highlight above my cheeks.

Hope this wasn't too convoluted/confusing!


Well-known member
I'm with MzzRach too... For a beginner those are great brushes and are very versatile.

You could use the 217 to put on paint pots and blend out under eye concealer too.

For smudging eyeliner, I'd go cheap and get the Essence of Beauty crease brush duo from CVS.


Well-known member
For a cheaper alternative, try the body shop's foundation brush.

I have it for when I use liquid foundation and I LOVE it.

You can snap them up on ebay for quite cheap as well and I dont think there are too many worries about fakes for body shop brushes.