Burn Notice


Well-known member
Ahhh, i cant wait! i freakin love this show.. Lets get some discussion going cause i know there have to be more fans out there! Anyone else have an enormous crush on Michael??


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Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Originally Posted by LuckyGirl3513
Ahhh, i cant wait! i freakin love this show.. Lets get some discussion going cause i know there have to be more fans out there! Anyone else have an enormous crush on Michael??

Haha yes.
You're lucky you're in the States, I have a sneaking suspicion they're not going to run the 2nd season here andI don't have cable


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

I knew I wasn't the only fan........I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show....it's actually not even my type of show but I LOVE it!!!!
Michael is soooooo sexy!...Did I mention I love the show?


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

I think he has funny teeth...... Gabrielle Anwar is hot however!


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

I LOVE Burn Notice. And Michael is SMOKING hot. There is nothing that turns me on more than a sarcastic man. Yummm.


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Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Originally Posted by angelique☆
Haha yes.
You're lucky you're in the States, I have a sneaking suspicion they're not going to run the 2nd season here andI don't have cable

You should be able to watch the show on the Internet. My hubby likes this show and watched the first show of the 2nd season online because he forgot to set the DVR.


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Ahhhhhhh thanks so much for that! I thought I was going to miss out!


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

So have you guys watched the first two episodes yet?? I gotta say, i like the direction they are going with his season. Even though i love Fi and Michael together and think they are perfect for each other, i dont want them together just yet...Its too soon. I'm also loving the addition to Carla, it definitely seems like she'll add a whole different aspect to the show. .

Also, how great was the counseling scene with Michael and his mother?? She's one of my favorite characters on the show....


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Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

I'm still waiting for Netflix to send us the second DVD from last season. We moved when it aired and never saw it. I can't wait till it gets here and I can catch up.


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Stargazer, have you been able to not watch the new episodes while you've been waiting for the second season 1 DVD to come? Cause i dont think i could do that...

This season is amazing though, you've got to finish season 1 and then catch up on the website with season 2...Sam has really been the show stealer this season and it seems like the episodes are getting better and better so needless to say i am pumped about another new one tonight!


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Awesome. Cylons and spies.

I'm loving this show, too. I love how they mix in his personal family life with his career life. The two are so paradoxical but so awesomely fused together.


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Originally Posted by alienman
Awesome. Cylons and spies.

I've started watching when I heard Tricia was coming to the show.

Now, I'm really into it.


Well-known member
Does anyone else watch this?? i love it, and i'm not gonna lie, Jeffrey donovan's hotness is a big part of it... Its coming back june 4! im pumped, im dying to know whats gonna happen after last seasons finale...


Well-known member
You are the only other person besides my husband and i that i know of that watch it, i love it!!!!!!!!

Do you watch 'it's always sunny in philadelphia'? it's another one of my favorites, but it's a comedy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Never heard of it...what is it about?

It's a dark comedy about four ivy legue, egotistical people in their early 30's that own an unsuccessful bar in philadelphia. 3 guys and a girl. They are mean to each other, not especially likeable, and end up in terrible situations...from setting one on fire, letting minors drink in their bar, trying to get famous by going to clubs and taking ecstasy, acting handicapped to get men or strippers, getting drunk, making fun of basically every divisive political issue, being generally offensive and cruel to each other to just to prove a point. It is extremely vulgar and most people probably wouldn't like it unless they have a sick sense of humour that runs along the lines of South Park, Family Guy, and "seinfeld on crack".
Sadly I can relate to them on some level, so it makes it funny for me.
If you don't like to laugh at serious issues in society I wouldn't recommend it.
It's on FX


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Pumpkincat, yes i do like Always Sunny! Hilarious show!

Burn Notice is such a good show to get into with your significant other cause it appeals to both guys and girls.. Im not surprised you and your husband watch it together!

Also, something to keep in mind that i just noticed: Its now gonna be on at 9 on Thursdays and NOT 10...set your DVR accordingly!


Well-known member
Just started watching reruns of Burn Notice - it's great fun! Will be watching the new episodes that start this week.

The cast has good chemistry, I'm really enjoying it.


Well-known member
Re: Burn Notice Seaon 2 Starts Tomorrow

Originally Posted by alienman
Awesome. Cylons and spies.

I'm loving this show, too. I love how they mix in his personal family life with his career life. The two are so paradoxical but so awesomely fused together.

Yeah agreed, don't you love his mom? And he and Fiona are always fun to watch...

Can't believe the premiere is tonight - finally!


Well-known member
Has anyone been watching this season? I really like the addition of Jesse.. I think he's been flirting with Fi a little and Michael's gonna kick some a$$