Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
totally random but since this thread was bumped i wanted to ask
how can someone be yes on 8, but say they have gay friends who they love and treat them the same as all their other friends.
that's something i've heard so so much throughout the election and I can't comprehend how it could ever make sense ever.
I think people like to pick and choose what they feel is right. Especially religious people, I feel if you are going to judge anyone, then you are not a true follower of god... at least not with the religions I am familiar with. People are hypocrites and stand behind their religion to be outright bigots not even trully realizing that it is way out of line with being in harmony with nature. Believe me, if it wasn't meant to be Adam and Steve somewhere down the line he would have made men inexcessable to other men...
wow it fits! AND MAN DOES IT FEEL GOOD! If sex was for breeding only then it wouldn't have been made to feel good for both sexs. Sex is about the coupling up of partners, it has never been about the opposite sex... this is something that society has labeled it, not the human form.
Those who sin like to cast the first stone, I think this is the major downfall of people, no one has the right to judge and I think it is pure hypocrisy to stand there and say you are against two people securing a life just because it isn't your ideal. There are many religious folk that cheat and do it before getting married and have kids out of wedlock and have unpure thoughs and yada yada yada, waah get over it, not everyone wants your type of normalcy. Not everyone is the same, and you have to be welcoming of change and difference. We are human, and I am glad you raised this question.
I probably could have put it more eloquently, but people as a whole suck and like to pick on that which is different. People are meant to thrive and prosper... I don't think we are running out of people any time soon, we do have many babies that would adore a loving home, how anyone would deny that to a child when they are so far and few today is beyond me. People are people no matter the background or situation you can find good and bad in everyone of them. They have come out of the closet and have been liberated, I think it is a damned shame to take steps backwards now. It's the time to advance and grow. Gay couples are here to stay and have been here since the beginning of time, just because it is against some people's morals or standards does not mean it is wrong.