Calling all Tan Blondes!


Well-known member
Hi Ladies,

I'm doing makeup for a gorgeous blonde girl this thursday. She is tan, light blonde hair, and has blue/green/gray eyes. Kind of like Pam Anderson or Amy Smart's complexion.

I'm going to use Springsheen blush and a nude lip-(cherish or myth with a light coral lipgloss-maybe love nectar), but I am STUMPED on the eyes!

She wants something natural, so what eyeshadows are flattering on you tan blondes out there with light eyes who like coral-y blushes like Springsheen and Sunbasque?


Well-known member
maybe something from cool heat, like using warming trend and solar white. maybe a hint of magnetic fields or satin taupe. illegal cargo would be lovely for a hit of natural colour


Well-known member
i'd try naked lunch (it's great with blue/green eyes).. with some sort of brown such as mulch, twinks, etc...


Well-known member
When I was a tan blonde, I loved bronzy/frosty shades on my eyes. My staples were: All That Glitters, Woodwinked, Bronze & Nylon. Also some Black Tied to darken up the crease or for liner.
I swore by Springsheen blush, even as NC42 blonde & now as as an NC37 brunette. It's a gorgeous blush. I love nude lips, Myth never worked well on me. But I wore B-Cup a lot. My favorite nude colors are Blankety & Hug Me.


Well-known member
i'm not tanned or blonde LOL but i'd definitely recommend warm browns and goldish colours for tanned blondes, warm colours will bring out the blue: solar white and warming trend (or all that glitters which is similar) from cool heat and bronze and twinks from the permanent collection (those last two are darker browns while solar white is more a highligter and warming trend is a light brown/beige with gold undertones)


Well-known member
i have just got amber lights (atm im tanned and im a natural blonde) and it really makes my blue eyes pop! check out my latest fotd


Well-known member
amberlights, all that glitters, bronze, romping; nylon or dazzlelight for highlight... I also love Dazzleray pigment (but that was LE?) ... shades like that are staples for me in the summertime, when I am more tanned (but we're talking like NW25 max haha) any of the gold/bronze hues would look great.

Even tanner, Myth scares me a bit.
Maybe try freckletone (love this!) or jubilee, blankety, or hug me for nude lips?



Well-known member
I am tanned and blondie and my fave summer look is jest on the lid,expensive pink in the crease,retrospeck to highlight+some brown liner