Came home to some surprises!


Well-known member
Ok, y'all may think this is a positive thread but I can assure, IT AIN'T!!!!!!!

I came home from studying at school tonight, armed with my McDonalds in hand, come on I was HONGRY ok?! I walked up the sidewalk to my building and rounded the corner to my apartment and what do I see, but my patio table, ON FIRE!

There was all of this smoke and some flames, nothing too major, but enough to freak the hell out over! I was on my cell with my mom so I told her I would call her back. Meanwhile, I had dropped my beloved McDonalds bag on the ground and I'm frantically trying to find my keys so I can get inside and get a cup of water to douse that sucker. Around this time, my neighbor comes out to walk her dog and just stands there, watching me like the dumb cow that she is. I was cursing and finally found the keys, ran inside to get a cup of water and was able to put the small fire out. Turns out, Nick's lovely (insert gag face here
) ashtray had caught fire and was the culprit. His ashtray also busted in the heat, it's a glass one. I always ask him to empty his nasty ass ashtray out, but he never does until it's all coming out of the top and sides, looking nasty. Now there is a huge puddle of soot, blackened water and burnt up cigarettes lying all over the patio table. Thank god I came home when I did, I can only imagine what would've happened had I stayed at school later. He needs to learn how to put out his cigs better from now on! Ashtrays are dangerous!

When I was finally able to gain composure and go inside to have myself a nice meal, I see my furry little friend the mouse go running across the kitchen floor. I've been trying to nail that sucka now for days and he keeps getting the bait and taking off with it.

Honestly, what a night, I just had to share with y'all


Well-known member
Oh no! At first I thought you were going to say that your apartment was in fire inside and ruined! I'm so glad you were okay and so was your apartment

Mice are so frustrating, we had a few living in our place a few years ago and they took forever to catch.

Glad to hear you're okay haha!


Well-known member
omg!! thank goodness you were okay. I'm a smoker myself, and I ALWAYS fill the ashtrays with water when I'm finished, and then clean them right out. You never know what could happen! I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy your McD's in peace~~


Well-known member
Oh noooo.That is so freakin scary,sorry to hear that,nobody should have to deal with that bs.I hope everything calms down for you and there is no more drama.Hugs


Well-known member
Britt that is so terrible, Glad you took care of it....

But I must admit as I am dying laughing now because I just knew you were gonna say you came home to those In Laws of yours lounging all over the place.... Not sure which would have been worse for you...the fire or the sight of them
!! And the neighbor i.e Dumb Cow
I am screaming over here!!
And as far as the mouse....We had one and I stayed at my parents until he was taken hostage...Dead or Alive...Preferrably DEAD!!! He decided to die in the middle of the floor...I came home saw him...screamed for 5 straight minutes...Called my dh and told him My son and I would be sitting in my car until he came home to dispose of this MONSTER!!! We road around and stayed in the car for @ 4hrs waiting for him to come home.

Moral of this story: I am terrified of mice..I will leave my husband, home, all my worldly possessions, yes including my MAC if I see a mouse/rat ..critter/varmit of any long tailed disease carrying, cheese eating kind! I will not however leave my son


Well-known member
Wow, you seriously need a vacation! I'm glad things at least turned out OK, though. You teach that boy a lesson in fire safety!


Well-known member
I think the mouse was adding insult to injury. Good thing you came home when you did.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Moral of this story: I am terrified of mice..I will leave my husband, home, all my worldly possessions, yes including my MAC if I see a mouse/rat ..critter/varmit of any long tailed disease carrying, cheese eating kind! I will not however leave my son

I thought that was the cutest thing I've heard all day. I am a little weird though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
I think the mouse was adding insult to injury. Good thing you came home when you did.

I thought that was the cutest thing I've heard all day. I am a little weird though.

Kid must come too!! I'm weird too...So is Britt...she is a Hoot!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

But I must admit as I am dying laughing now because I just knew you were gonna say you came home to those In Laws of yours lounging all over the place.... Not sure which would have been worse for you...the fire or the sight of them

TISH...I was thinking the SAME thing.

Geeeez Brit! You had a crazy night! I'm terrified of fire, so I would have probably crapped my pants...or overreacted and called the fire department from 20 feet away because I wouldn't have known what to do!!
Thank the LORD you came home when you did! That could have been really really bad!!

About the mouse...he sounds like a sneaky one. You may just have to get a cat!


Well-known member
About the mouse who has taken residence in your home... get some Velvetta and smush that shit to the trigger plate. I swore I had a rat along with other many legged vistors who have been passing through my home. Turns out I was the rat and my vivid imagination had got the better of me one night while inhaling too much amonia... good shit I tell you!

Hope you catch the little shit and better luck on properly housetraining your man


Well-known member
Thank goodness you came home when you did. I hope you tell Nick to be more careful with his cigarette butts or ashtray. A few years ago my house caught on fire in the middle of the night because this house that was a house away blew up and the blaze was so big that our neighbor's house [the one between the two of us] as well as ours was on fire too. They found out it was because of a cigarette butt that wasn't completely put out. Since it didn't die and it was on their patio, the gas from the bbq exploded. Their house completely burned down. I'd hate to see anything like that happen to anyone again.

I'm glad you are safe though


Well-known member
You could always paint all your wood furniture with Boric Acid... it's a fire retardant.

Too bad you aren't dating Pinnochio


Well-known member
Borrow someone's cat.

My cats are great at catching mice, lizards, cockroaches, and other nasty creatures!

BTW I'm glad you got that fire out! Sounds like maybe Nick should quit... it'll be safer & healthier for the both of you!