Can I find out which Studio Fix color I should get online? (i'm a guy btw)


Active member
okay well right now I'm using my friends nasty old makeup and I mean it looks okay I guess (i'm wearing it in the first two pictures but yea I photoshop all my pictures) but I want nice, expensive brand new makeup in my perfect, exact color. I was thinking Studio Fix would be great since it's compact and foundation & powder in one so I won't have to have some huge makeup routine (seeing as how I'm a guy and all..) and yea.. Is it possible to find my perfect color match online? The closest store that sells MAC by using the find a store thing on the website is a Dillards about an hour and a half way.. would Dillards help me find my perfect shade? or can I do it online? please help me.. and I'm stupid, but yea Studio Fix is all the face makeup you need right? no other foundation/powder, it has both in it? hahaha.. don't laugh at me please, I'm new at this. I was gonna get some makeup by one of those mens makeup brands but they look kinda fishy so...

The colors: 379

My pictures:


Well-known member
hmmmm NC20? I'm really bad at this, but that color is probably a good starting point. I'd wait to see what other people say though.


Well-known member
I use the Studio Fix compact, and I love it because it's quick and easy and not a heavy coverage. Depends what kind of coverage you're looking for i guess - if you want something heavier then a liquid might suit u more!


Well-known member
it's really hard to tell cause the lighting is different in every picture! :/ I would say maybe a C2? do you have any pictures in the natural day light without a flash? maybe that would be more true looking. it's hard to tell.
if you're looking to look Matte... studio fix would be the way to go. couple of the guys at my counter wear the new mineralize foundation and it looks amazing! PM if you have any questions
ps- the colors on the mac website look BLAH. that's not what they look like in person.


Active member
baby don't take a chance. go to the counter and don't be shy. that makeup costs $ and will last a while so you want to make sure you get the perfect right thing. there they will be able to test on your face if necessary, and you could also look at the other stuff they have in person. don't be shy and good luck!


Well-known member
Honestly, being a guy too, your questions took me to a trip down memory lane when those questions haunted my mind as well. And I didn't know about Specktra then, so I would have spent less money in "hit and miss" choices.

What is your skin type? If you have dry skin, Studio Fix will dry it and also, if you're going to use powder foundation, I really advise you to exfoliate at least once a week otherwise instead of giving you a perfect complexion is going to enhance any flaky skin like around the noses or your apple cheeks or wherever your skin might be drier.

Studio Fix is a compact foundation and it's great for on the
go, if you use the sponge in it, you'll get heavier and less natural looking skin, if you'd rather just even out the skin tone, use a powder brush (or if you really want to invest in makeup for yourself, get a nice buffering brush like the 187).

An alternative to Studio Fix Powder foundation that's also easy to apply is Laura Mercier's "Tinted Moisturizer", I got it last month when I was in NYC visiting a friend and it has been my holy grail tinted moisturizer. It has a fluid tendency, but doesn't make your skin look surreally matte and overly velvety, it basically evens it all out and still lets your skin shine through.

As for getting a color match, go to a MAC counter, it's worh the 90 minute drive, ask the makeup artist to color match you, put it on and go outside in natural daylight with a mirror and check out if the color is really your color. And I don't know if you feel self-conscious about going to a makeup counter or not, but if you do, don't. These days it's perfectly natural.

As a last advice, to an already very long and boring post, see that you're getting a fairly decent skin care routine, get a decent eye cream, moisturizer and cleanser suited for your skin, because if you're going to start wearing makeup without caring for your skin, you'll regret it later on.

If you want to hear me babbling about trying LOADS of brands and seeing if they suit a guy's needs when it comes to makeup, feel free to PM me.