Can I get Plum & Teal into a sexy smokey look?


Well-known member
Hiya guys, I've got a staff Christmas doo coming up this next week and I'd like to do a sexy smokey look for my eyes.

I'm going to be wearing a really dark purpley plummy shimmery top and I was originally going to just go for a dark greyish plumish smoke, but I managed to get my hands on MAC's teal pigment this week and it's such a gorgeous colour that I was wondering whether I could incorporate it into my smokey look.

Do you think it could work and what colours would you put with the teal? I'm NW20 with blue eyes.

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Smokey teal would be so pretty! Using the teal as the main lid color, I would probably put a dark grey or black with the teal for the smoky effect, with neutral lips and a natural-looking blush. HTH!


Well-known member
Ooh, reminds me of an FOTD I did a looong time ago.

I mostly used teal as a pop of colour in the outer corner, with the plum in the crease to add depth. It's super pretty! (Doesn't really show up as plum in the photos but you get the idea.)




Well-known member
Thanks everyone, for your suggestions. I going to try out a few different looks. I might even do a FOTD if I'm brave enough


Active member
My recommendation is to blend, lot. Apply a layer of colour and blend then reapply colour and blend then reapply and blend.

I would use the plum on the outer corner and crease, and the teal on the inner corner. Sounds like a great combination. Good luck!

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