Can you bruise your cervix? Or something like that?!


Well-known member
OK. My NOW ex botfriend (of about 3 hours ago) and I had some sex issues.

For him, everything was wonderful and he seemed to be really enjoying it, but for me its a different story. He is the only person I have ever slept with so I can't even say this has happened before.

In the beginning sex was a little bit uncomfortable because my ex is quite well endowed. That seemed to sort itself out. But recently sex became less and less, and to be completely honest I feel I fell out of loe with him and was no longer attracted to him.

Throghout this time, whenever we would sleep together we would have to stop because of a pain inside of me. Like in the cervix- it feels incredibly tight and almost like a burning.

After one last attempt before we broke up I now feel 'bruised' around the area where one sometimes get period pain. Does this make sense? Any ideas? Was the sex too hard last time?

I'm pretty worried to be honest.


Well-known member
I can't be too much help but I know that you can bruise your cervix. I know of a lot of women who complain about this when they have sex with a man that's really well endowed.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
If his penis is too large for your vagina, he could very possibly pushing your cervix to the side.

That happened to my friend and she had to see a Dr and the Dr had her bf come in as well and he like PLEADED with him to stop penetrating her so deeply.


Well-known member
Like any other tissue in your body the asnwer is YES you can have a brusied cervix. I am a med student and former nurse I have seen this first hand, I have also seen severely abraded cervixes as well from very rough or deep penetrating sex where the ladies feel quite a bit of discomfort. However deep cramping can also be sign of infection so you need to go see a gnyae asap. They may well want to do a pap smear as well to rule out other causes of cervical discomfort, maybe even a swab and most certainly they will want to look. But dont put it off - this is very important.


Well-known member
I agree with Panda0410. Go to the doctor...

If you don't have anything else to base this off of other than him, I would go to the doctor to make sure everything is ok. It's most likely something minor, but you should always get checked out when you have pain like that.


Well-known member
Yeah, you can. Go to the doctor to be sure everything is okay -- safe rather than sorry!

I believe it's common in rape victims? :l


Well-known member
besides a health issue, when u really care 4/love a man ur relaxed during sex and that really helps with any pain u may feel, its normal 4 it to hurt at first but u said that sorted itself out until u lost feelings 4 him.

its probaly both of those 2 reaons combined that hurt u


Well-known member
Go to the doctor. You can bruise your cervix if he is well endowed, but you need to see a gynocologist just in case and to calm your fears. Sex shouldn't be painful if you do it regularly.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for all the answers
I know I should go to the doctor..... I just needed a push in the right direction. I will get it checked