Can You REALLY Change the Way You See Someone?


Well-known member
Alright, I really need some advice. As usual. I feel extremely conflicted and confused right now, and I was hoping someone could clarify some things for me, maybe even share an experience. So here's the deal:

When I was fourteen, (I'm eighteen now), I started high school and met this guy. I always thought he was cute, in a nerdy way, and we became fast friends. At the end of the school year, we went to a dance together, and I realised that I liked him. I asked one of my friends to tell him, and she did. To my utter surprise, she came back with the news that he didn't like me. I was crushed for about a day, then moved on to the next. We stayed friends for the next three years, which leads to the next part of my story.

My senior year of high school, I went to a party at my best guy friend's house. My other friend, we'll call him Matt, was there as we're all mutual friends and run in the same pack. I was the designated driver that evening, so I didn't drink, but Matt chugged a quart of straight Crown Royal in about ten minutes. Now, the little twist that I haven't mentioned is that he has Chrones. So he got ridiculously sick; he was puking everywhere and I of course, as the sober one, had to take care of him. While he was writhing on the floor, he told me how he lied about liking me in grade nine because his Chrones was so severe at that point that he thought I would think he was a freak. Apparently, when my friend told him that I liked him, our asshole friend said, "What, are you going to take her out to dinner with your feeding tube?" He proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was, and how he wished I still liked him. I wrote it off as drunk ramblings, and went home.

There was some drama around prom, when a friend of mine ditched me for prom so he could go with another girl, and so Matt could go with me. Apparently he wanted to. But I just didn't want to go with him, so I put off finding a date for the longest time. Finally, it was May and I figured I needed a date, so I asked Matt. He told me that he had his eye on someone else. I was disappointed, but the next day I asked a really hot older guy from my work, and he said yes. At prom, there was only one slow dance, right at the beginning. Curtis, (my prom date), wanted to slow dance with me before we left, so we went onto the dance floor. I saw Matt coming up to me, but then Curtis put his arms around me, and Matt looked embarassed and changed directions.

We didn't talk all summer (I was really working on overcoming my depression, and he was in Alberta for most of the season), and we go to different universities now. However, we still have all the same friends, and his school is really close to mine, where I live on res, so he came to a party one night in my building. I didn't know he was coming, so when he showed up, I was really surprised. I was EXTREMELY drunk, probably the drunkest I've ever been, but I don't think that was what made him so different. He had grown a beard, had his jaw broken, and just looked more a MAN, not a gawky boy like he'd always been. We said hi, hung out a bit..I drank more and more..he wasn't drinking, because his jaw was still partially wired shut, and he was on antibiotics for his aftercare. At one point (I'm fuzzy about the details), a bunch of guys were kind of forcing themselves on me, so he took me down to my room. He pratically carried me down the stairs, and put me in bed. I made him lay down with me. We laid in bed, and he stroked my hair, grabbed a bucket (just in case I threw up..I didn't), and listened to my drunk ramblings for close to a half an hour. When I told him to go upstairs and have fun, he refused, saying that this was just as much fun. I had been stroking his chest this whole time, and proceeded to remove my pants..I'm not sure why. He said, you look so good right now..but Sammi, you're so drunk, and I'm not at all, and I can't do anything with you right now.. The thing is, I've KNOWN him to do things with drunk girls..what makes me any different? So I groped him a tiny bit, apologized, and walked him to his bus. He was DEFINITELY hard from laying in bed with me, but that's a guy thing I guess.

So here's the thing. He could have done ANYTHING to me, but he didn't. He was so respectful, and he took such good care of me..I'm not used to that, at ALL. No college guys are like that, and it really took me by surprise. I assume he isn't interested anymore, because he turned down fooling around with me, but I feel like he's changed to me. He's so not my type physically, and not the type I usually go for, but he's so funny and sweet, and adorable.. I think I might like him, but I don't know why. Is it just because there's no one else in my life right now? Is it because all my friends are pairing up? I love the single life, so why is this happening?
I just don't know where these feelings are coming from..

Anyway, that was so disgustingly long, if you actually read it all then I love you. Any advice would be appreciated, but just writing it all out was a nice release. Thanks for listening, Specktrolites.


Well-known member
I don't know you but you could use a *hug*.

Why things happen the way they do, we'll never know. You might not think he's physically your "type", but do any of us date/marry our "type"? My fiancé is no way my "ideal" man, but that's OKAY! I wish he were a little taller! My previous boyfriends were tall and skinny... Tall around 6' was okay, but 150lbs? Hell no! Brad (my fiancé) is 5'8" and 200lbs! I love him "chubby".

I think you should talk to Matt and maybe hang out more. I give him lots of praise for not "taking advantage" of you, as so many guys don't know how to do that. Don't look at it as he doesn't like you, in that way, but as he respects you and doesn't want to hurt you.
Guys want to sleep with the hot sexy sl*ts, not marry them.


Well-known member
^^ I agree! My current bf is nothing like my ideal man who I'd date when I was younger. I liked smart bad boys but he's a smart good boy! LOL. I always tell him that if I got to know him a few years back, there's NO WAY I'd date someone like him.

If you could, hang out more with him and see how things go. Guys are so dumb sometimes they don't know how express their feelings. And.... I think you like him!!!!

'you look so good right now..but Sammi, you're so drunk, and I'm not at all, and I can't do anything with you right now'
I wonder how many college boys are like that these days!


Well-known member
" I assume he isn't interested anymore, because he turned down fooling around with me"

Done assume anything in life. Also it could as easily be read that he didn't do anything with you as he genuinely cares for you and doesn't want to take advantage.

Talk to him, hang out when sober and see how it goes. Don't dwell on it or over analyse.

Also the type thing is rubbish - i've never gone out with anyone who i would say is my type. People you fancy for aesthetic purposes and think are your type and those who you connect with and fall in love with aren't necessarily the same thing.
I could describe my ideal man and I bet the next person I fall for looks nothing like it. Just listen to your heart

Hope this helps and big hugs x


Well-known member
This is good. You're in love and I think he has feelings for you as well....

He's showing you respect which means he cares about you. You're more than a piece of meat he can fool around with when drunk. That's a really good thing, it's an awesome thing in fact.

As for the losing interest cuz he didn't fool around with you thing. Take it from me when I really like a guy I don't "do the deed" (I'm typing this at work so I can't be too blunt with my words) with him the first drunken chance I get. It's like you want it to be more than just sloppy and incoherent. Because it means more to you, and you want it to be special y'know?

I think you should definitely talk/find ways to see him again

Please keep us posted


Well-known member
Ahh this is such a familiar story!! I think you should ask him out...He is probably just afraid to ask you for fear of rejection.

My husband is the total opposite of me and I avoided him and his attraction for me for soooo long..Mainly because I thought he was goofy and not my physical type...And he never pressured me. He would stay at my house from time to time and spend time with me and never attempt sex ever.. even though it was clearly obvious he wanted to. Turns out he is the man of my dreams and he loves and respects me more than any man I have ever been with. There is nothing he will not do for me and my son. I asked him why he never tried to have sex with me all those times when he clearly had the opportunity. His response was...Because I knew there was something special about you and I did not want to just have sex with you...I wanted you to fall in love with me for me and not confuse it with lust or just a heat of the moment thing to do. He said I knew you were the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so I refused to jeapordize that by giving in to a moment of weakness, and I knew you were the one because everytime I was with someone else...I always wondered what it would feel like to be with you...
We will be married 2 years next month and he is still respectful of me and the most wonderful man I have ever met...I wish I was as unselfish as he is..Working on it!
But what I have learned is...Why stick to or go after your past normal type guy..They obviously didn't work in the past because you would still be with them. Learn to love and depend on the type man that loves you the best.
Wolves can come in sheep clothing...and a Prince can sometimes look like a frog! But frogs can clean up pretty darn well!!

I wish you luck...Don't miss your blessing! God sends us what we need when we need it..Not necessarily when we want it.

Let us know what happens!!


Well-known member
ok cute story and all...but the only thing that bothers me is:

"and proceeded to remove my pants"

anyone else bothered by this?
and i knew plenty of nice guys in college, not all guys are assholes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lyttleravyn
ok cute story and all...but the only thing that bothers me is:

"and proceeded to remove my pants"

anyone else bothered by this?
and i knew plenty of nice guys in college, not all guys are assholes

Yeah, I think it was because I sleep without pants, and wanted to go to sleep, but no excuses, that was slutty. I drink more then I should, and I never used to be that way. I do regret that, quite a bit, and I'm trying to slow down a little..just the whole independence thing at once, I think. I'm sure there are lots of nice guys in university, but living on res, I kind of only meet them at parties. Most of the guys I hang out with here all have girlfriends and cheat on them, or talk sh*t about all the girls they've "gotten with." That was a generalization on my part, and I didn't mean to say that all college guys are jerks, I kind of meant something more along the lines of, "most guys at that party would have taken advantage of me." So yeah, I'm sorry if my wording offended you, and I appreciate you taking the time to read my story

To the rest of Y'all are kind of freaking me out! I love everything you've said, even though I'm terrified that something might come of this. I will definitely keep everyone posted, as we're hanging out tomorrow night. We'll see if anything comes of it. Thanks you guys so much for all of your advice, support, stories, and comments. This is why I love Specktra


Well-known member
Aww, I hope things go well, he seems like a really nice guy and it's obvious you both like each others' company. Who knows what may come of it.

Sometimes the universe works in funny ways.. for whatever reason your past encounters weren't meant to come of anything, but then he shows up to that party and now is in your life again. Hmmm..
Just take it slow and get to know him more I guess and see where it takes you. If all you end up as are friends, then so be it, but you do seem to like him from what you've typed so far.

anyway, good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ahh this is such a familiar story!! I think you should ask him out...He is probably just afraid to ask you for fear of rejection.

P.S., your story actually gave me chills..your husband sounds like SUCH an amazing man. Thank you so much for sharing that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lyttleravyn
ok cute story and all...but the only thing that bothers me is:

"and proceeded to remove my pants"

anyone else bothered by this?
and i knew plenty of nice guys in college, not all guys are assholes

You miss read/understood.
She said, "I had been stroking his chest this whole time, and proceeded to remove my pants."
She's the one that "proceeded to remove my pants", not him.


Active member
Originally Posted by revinn
Alright, I really need some advice. As usual. I feel extremely conflicted and confused right now, and I was hoping someone could clarify some things for me, maybe even share an experience. So here's the deal:

When I was fourteen, (I'm eighteen now), I started high school and met this guy. I always thought he was cute, in a nerdy way, and we became fast friends. At the end of the school year, we went to a dance together, and I realised that I liked him. I asked one of my friends to tell him, and she did. To my utter surprise, she came back with the news that he didn't like me. I was crushed for about a day, then moved on to the next. We stayed friends for the next three years, which leads to the next part of my story.

My senior year of high school, I went to a party at my best guy friend's house. My other friend, we'll call him Matt, was there as we're all mutual friends and run in the same pack. I was the designated driver that evening, so I didn't drink, but Matt chugged a quart of straight Crown Royal in about ten minutes. Now, the little twist that I haven't mentioned is that he has Chrones. So he got ridiculously sick; he was puking everywhere and I of course, as the sober one, had to take care of him. While he was writhing on the floor, he told me how he lied about liking me in grade nine because his Chrones was so severe at that point that he thought I would think he was a freak. Apparently, when my friend told him that I liked him, our asshole friend said, "What, are you going to take her out to dinner with your feeding tube?" He proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was, and how he wished I still liked him. I wrote it off as drunk ramblings, and went home.

There was some drama around prom, when a friend of mine ditched me for prom so he could go with another girl, and so Matt could go with me. Apparently he wanted to. But I just didn't want to go with him, so I put off finding a date for the longest time. Finally, it was May and I figured I needed a date, so I asked Matt. He told me that he had his eye on someone else. I was disappointed, but the next day I asked a really hot older guy from my work, and he said yes. At prom, there was only one slow dance, right at the beginning. Curtis, (my prom date), wanted to slow dance with me before we left, so we went onto the dance floor. I saw Matt coming up to me, but then Curtis put his arms around me, and Matt looked embarassed and changed directions.

We didn't talk all summer (I was really working on overcoming my depression, and he was in Alberta for most of the season), and we go to different universities now. However, we still have all the same friends, and his school is really close to mine, where I live on res, so he came to a party one night in my building. I didn't know he was coming, so when he showed up, I was really surprised. I was EXTREMELY drunk, probably the drunkest I've ever been, but I don't think that was what made him so different. He had grown a beard, had his jaw broken, and just looked more a MAN, not a gawky boy like he'd always been. We said hi, hung out a bit..I drank more and more..he wasn't drinking, because his jaw was still partially wired shut, and he was on antibiotics for his aftercare. At one point (I'm fuzzy about the details), a bunch of guys were kind of forcing themselves on me, so he took me down to my room. He pratically carried me down the stairs, and put me in bed. I made him lay down with me. We laid in bed, and he stroked my hair, grabbed a bucket (just in case I threw up..I didn't), and listened to my drunk ramblings for close to a half an hour. When I told him to go upstairs and have fun, he refused, saying that this was just as much fun. I had been stroking his chest this whole time, and proceeded to remove my pants..I'm not sure why. He said, you look so good right now..but Sammi, you're so drunk, and I'm not at all, and I can't do anything with you right now.. The thing is, I've KNOWN him to do things with drunk girls..what makes me any different? So I groped him a tiny bit, apologized, and walked him to his bus. He was DEFINITELY hard from laying in bed with me, but that's a guy thing I guess.

So here's the thing. He could have done ANYTHING to me, but he didn't. He was so respectful, and he took such good care of me..I'm not used to that, at ALL. No college guys are like that, and it really took me by surprise. I assume he isn't interested anymore, because he turned down fooling around with me, but I feel like he's changed to me. He's so not my type physically, and not the type I usually go for, but he's so funny and sweet, and adorable.. I think I might like him, but I don't know why. Is it just because there's no one else in my life right now? Is it because all my friends are pairing up? I love the single life, so why is this happening?
I just don't know where these feelings are coming from..

Anyway, that was so disgustingly long, if you actually read it all then I love you. Any advice would be appreciated, but just writing it all out was a nice release. Thanks for listening, Specktrolites.

This sounds so sweet... instead of trying to change how you see him all so suddenly.. why dont you try to change it progressively...? Try to hang out with him and see where it goes from there. The fact that youve thought about it for this long, doesnt seem like its because your friends are pairing up! I so know how that feels revin !! I love the single life too and when feelings like these come from no where kinda makes you wonder whats going on! For myself I soon realised, these feelings came when I knew there was a decent guy... I remain single because guys these days.. are TERRIBLE.. had the worst weekend dates ever!

Just because they dont want to fool around with you does not necessarily mean theyre not interested. You said you were plastered right? Sometimes I think these situations ( abit dangeorus but) is a good way to see what kind of guy he is. If he didnt take advantage of you when you were so hammered, how totally respectable is that? Especially when he HAS that rep! Try and hang out with him revin! And if you get the chance.. and you feel like its right.. tell him how you really feel darls.. He sounds mighty sweet.. and keep up posted

Girl about town

Well-known member
maybe because he had a wired jaw he wasn't really in the mood for fooling around!!!!, did he ask to see you again or anything?


Well-known member
Well, I have an update! I won't go into details, but I told him how I feel, and we discussed how we should try to get closer as friends first, and then let things come naturally. Things are a little confusing with him, and it's a battle to know where he stands, but I'm pretty happy, all in all. He's such a great guy, really dependable and ambitious and clever.

I'm glad we're taking things slowly, because I think that's a common problem in most of my previous relationships. He wants to take the ferry for a day with me, so I'm really looking forward to that. I just wish I was clear on his feelings for me.. I hate not knowing if he thinks of me as a friend or something more. During our conversation, he definitely didn't clarify what he wanted our relationship to become. Also, it turned out that he liked someone else, but she's moved to Europe, so.. Anyway, we'll see!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ahh this is such a familiar story!! I think you should ask him out...He is probably just afraid to ask you for fear of rejection.

My husband is the total opposite of me and I avoided him and his attraction for me for soooo long..Mainly because I thought he was goofy and not my physical type...And he never pressured me. He would stay at my house from time to time and spend time with me and never attempt sex ever.. even though it was clearly obvious he wanted to. Turns out he is the man of my dreams and he loves and respects me more than any man I have ever been with. There is nothing he will not do for me and my son. I asked him why he never tried to have sex with me all those times when he clearly had the opportunity. His response was...Because I knew there was something special about you and I did not want to just have sex with you...I wanted you to fall in love with me for me and not confuse it with lust or just a heat of the moment thing to do. He said I knew you were the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so I refused to jeapordize that by giving in to a moment of weakness, and I knew you were the one because everytime I was with someone else...I always wondered what it would feel like to be with you...
We will be married 2 years next month and he is still respectful of me and the most wonderful man I have ever met...I wish I was as unselfish as he is..Working on it!
But what I have learned is...Why stick to or go after your past normal type guy..They obviously didn't work in the past because you would still be with them. Learn to love and depend on the type man that loves you the best.
Wolves can come in sheep clothing...and a Prince can sometimes look like a frog! But frogs can clean up pretty darn well!!

I wish you luck...Don't miss your blessing! God sends us what we need when we need it..Not necessarily when we want it.

Let us know what happens!!

That is the sweetest thing i've heard...I hope one day i have something similar to that

As for the subject at hand, to me it seems like you really like him, and i think he likes you...don't really know what to tell you though, except for like others have said just hang out with him a bit more and try anf figure out how he feels about you. He seems like a really great guy, you don't get many guys that age who are as respectful, that was really sweet of him.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Ahh this is such a familiar story!! I think you should ask him out...He is probably just afraid to ask you for fear of rejection.

My husband is the total opposite of me and I avoided him and his attraction for me for soooo long..Mainly because I thought he was goofy and not my physical type...And he never pressured me. He would stay at my house from time to time and spend time with me and never attempt sex ever.. even though it was clearly obvious he wanted to. Turns out he is the man of my dreams and he loves and respects me more than any man I have ever been with. There is nothing he will not do for me and my son. I asked him why he never tried to have sex with me all those times when he clearly had the opportunity. His response was...Because I knew there was something special about you and I did not want to just have sex with you...I wanted you to fall in love with me for me and not confuse it with lust or just a heat of the moment thing to do. He said I knew you were the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with so I refused to jeapordize that by giving in to a moment of weakness, and I knew you were the one because everytime I was with someone else...I always wondered what it would feel like to be with you...
We will be married 2 years next month and he is still respectful of me and the most wonderful man I have ever met...I wish I was as unselfish as he is..Working on it!
But what I have learned is...Why stick to or go after your past normal type guy..They obviously didn't work in the past because you would still be with them. Learn to love and depend on the type man that loves you the best.
Wolves can come in sheep clothing...and a Prince can sometimes look like a frog! But frogs can clean up pretty darn well!!

I wish you luck...Don't miss your blessing! God sends us what we need when we need it..Not necessarily when we want it.

Let us know what happens!!

That is the sweetest thing i've heard...I hope one day i have something similar to that

As for the subject at hand, to me it seems like you really like him, and i think he likes you...don't really know what to tell you though, except for like others have said just hang out with him a bit more and try anf figure out how he feels about you. He seems like a really great guy, you don't get many guys that age who are as respectful, that was really sweet of him.

Good luck!