Cannibal ¨MOM ¨eats her son.


Well-known member
A boy's flesh was fed to cannibal relatives after his mum kept him locked in a cellar, a court has heard.

Ondrej Mauerova, 8, was partially skinned by his relatives who then ate the raw human flesh, a court has heard. Klara Mauerova - a member of a sinister religious cult - wept in court as she admitted torturing her son Ondrej and his ten year-old brother Jakub.

The two boys told how their mother and relatives had also stubbed cigarettes out on their bare skin, whipped them with belts, and tried to drown them. The court heard how the family had sexually abused them and even made them cut themselves with knives. They said they were kept in cages or handcuffed to tables and made to stand in their own urine for days.

The sick abuse was discovered when a man in Brno in the Czech Republic installed a TV baby monitor to keep watch on is newborn child.

But it picked up a signal from an identical monitor next door showing one of the victims beaten, naked and chained in a cellar.

Sick Mauerova is understood to have intalled it so she could gloat over her victims' suffering from the comfort of her kitchen.

Police were called, and the boy and his brother, as well as what appeared to be a 13-year-old girl were freed.

At that time police did not realise the 13-year-old, who had been formally adopted, was really 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova - one of the children's torturers.

She later ran away to Norway but was found earlier this year by Czech cops who brought her back to the Czech Republic to face trial.

Her "brother", eight-year-old Ondrej, had been locked and chained in the cellar by his mother Klara for months. He had been gagged so he could not scream and beaten as well. It later emerged his brother Jakub had also been abused.

Mauerova has admitted abusing her children but she said she had been manipulated by her sister Katerina and Skrlova.

All three of them had been part of a cult called the Grail Movement which claims to have hundreds of followers in Britain as well as tens of thousands of others world wide. Katerina Mauerova and Skrlova and another relative are all accused of involvement in the abuse of the boys.

The court has also heard claims that the abuse of the boys was co-ordinated by a man known only as the "Doctor" who sent mobile phone text messages to the Mauerova sisters telling them how to abuse the two boys.

Local media have said that the sinister figure could be one of the leaders of the Grail Movement the women were involved with.


Well-known member

This is the ¨mom¨ creepy.... she reminds me of Uncle fester of the Adams Family.


Well-known member
Is this true? this is one of the sickest things i have heard...disgusting.
I'm lost for words..


Well-known member
What a sick, twisted fucking person.

Unfortunately, it really doesn't suprise me. There are some twisted ass people in this world. May God have mercy on her pathetic soul, because I doubt anyone else would.


Well-known member
What the fuck... How could any mother do that to her children
Some people are just so twisted it's hard to imagine.


Well-known member
Not even a mother, how could a human being do this to another human being .... I don't even want to think about it.


Well-known member
How f'in sad & angry this makes me. There are women out there that would give anything to have a child and can't... and this is what goes on in the world!

I'm completely disgusted. Those poor children.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by midnightlouise
I can't even find the words. As I have two sons, it went straight to my heart.

I am speechless. I feel sick to my stomach. I too have two boys. I am so disgusted.


Well-known member
it might not be physical cannibalism but it's what i'd like to call emotional cannibalism, this woman basically obliterated the ability for these kids to be what most standards would consider "okay" for quite some time. i'm just glad they were rescued, this is awful.


Active member
jeez. that is soo sad. poor boys.

sounds a lot like the sylvia likens murder that happened in the '60s. there is a pretty good movie about it called an american crime. it has ellen page in it.


Well-known member
I have to admit the title of this thread made me giggle. Not that the subject matter is funny at all, but it's so ABSURD!! What the heck? Those people are just crazy, hope they get locked up forever. That's so lucky the neighbour had that baby monitor!

But wtf:

At that time police did not realise the 13-year-old, who had been formally adopted, was really 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova - one of the children's torturers.


They thought a 34 year old woman was a 13 year old girl? How does that work?