Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease


Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
So... consensus is that aerobic striptease isn't great. What's a workout video that does work for all of you then? Just curious.

Transfirmer, I have no coordination so it is double hell for me. It comes with two steps and three videos and will definitely give you a cardio workout with a tight @ss! I just continue to laugh and move if I screw up, lord forbid I have to ever do this workout in front of anyone.

Found mine in Target


Well-known member
eh i got the first three....werent exciting enough for me so I bought a stripper pole for my house. A lil mix hot pink rotator. ohhh yeah lol...I dont use it too much anymore ( kinda busy ) but it definately is a better workout than those carmen electra tapes.


Well-known member
I had one of them but got rid of it. It was fun and sexy but not really great for losing weight which what I was focusing on doing. Theres not enough intense cardio to really have that much impact. I watched and worked out to a taebo video which mainly focused on cardio and a all over muscle work out and it totally kicked striptease's ass! I'd recommend this if someone wants to have a little fun or spice up life in the bedroom but for serious weight lose its meh.

I rather sit my butt on my stationary bike in front of the tv and just keep peddling anyways lol.