CCO and Pro Store Haul


Well-known member
Here is my haul from last Saturday. I went to the CCO at the Las Vegas Premium Outlets and the Pro Store at Ceasar's Forum Shops. The Pro Store was SO CROWDED!! I should have known better to go there on Memorial DAy weekend but I really wanted to go. They had a DJ there blasting music (it was waaay to loud, but maybe that is me getting old) Can I just say I LOVE the orange packaging of Neo-Sci Fi! It is so blindingly orange, it is great!


Fast Response Eye Cream
Mocha Blush
Twinks e/s
En Pointe l/g


Pro Store:
Blush Pallete
Peachykeen Blush Pan
Satin Taupe e/s
Magnetic Fields e/s
Pink Grapefruit l/g
Buoy-o-Buoy l/s
Steppin' Out Dazzleglass