CCO's don't sell they?


Well-known member
i know this is a dumb question, but if i dont ask it'll bother me :confused:

recently i bought a shimmersoufle (adorn collection) from a CCO. the jar it comes in is like a pigment jar, except there is a noticably subtle (if that makes sense) difference between the sizes of the shimmersoufle jar and the pigment jar. also, on the bottom of the shimmersoufle, the sticker is black with white writing rather than silver with black writing, like all my pigments have.

did the shimmersoufles look different, or is there something fishy here?
just checking.


Well-known member
I saw one of those at my CCO today. It was mixed in with the pigments. It looked just like you described.


Well-known member
yeah i have the Shimmersouffles that i bought direct from MAC when they were out and they show the same differences you're describing. no worries - you will not get a fake from a CCO. it's just like buying from a MAC counter...same company.


Well-known member
shimmer soufles are an almost 4 years old item
so they container will be noticeable different also back then the stickers were in black and white not silver like they are now.

& like cafin8me said the product comes directly from the source basically what comes to the cco is backstock.