Changes in the Military - It's About Time!


Well-known member
I don't know if all of you know this, but prior to last Tuesday the US military would not allow openly gay men or women to serve. They were allowed to be in the military, they just had to stay closeted. Well that all changed on Tuesday and openly gay men and women can serve. I am so proud of my country for doing this. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule had been an injustice and insult to gay men and women who wished to serve. To ask gay servicemembers to serve with honour and integrity, yet ask them to lie about their very being was absolutely terrible.
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Well-known member
that is awesome! i had no idea that people couldn't admit that they are gay. this has obviously been something that needed to happen for many years :)


Well-known member
The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rule was ridiculous and degrading in my opinion from the get-go. I have so much respect for our government for doing this, even if it is long overdue =)