Choosing a career.


Well-known member
I'm currently stumped at what direction I want to take in my life. I have no idea what I want to do career wise. I seem so lost in life. I just turned 22 and I still am unsure. I'm getting my Bachelor of Arts Community studies, but I'm so undecided on what to take after that. What made you want to choose the career you have? I feel so pressured to make up my mind now because I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with my crappy, low paying, horrible current job right now.


Well-known member
Sometimes you just have to take a leap and try something out. The purpose is to try to get some experience, see what you like, what you don't like, and that will help you decide what your next step should be. I totally know what that pressure feels like, as if you have to have it all figured out by the time you graduate - you go to school for x, get a job in x, and boom, you're set for life. That's how it used to work - it doesn't anymore! Things have changed in the last couple of decades. You're allowed to be more flexible now - trying things out, moving around, doing different things. Yet parents/teachers/society don't do a really good job of explaining that, which is a huge disservice to people in school or just graduating. You're definitely not alone in feeling the pressure to have it All Figured Out (tm), nor are you alone in not knowing what to do.

What kinds of courses did you do? Why did you choose that particular degree program? What did you like and didn't like? What job are you currently doing now - what do you hate about it? Do you have any idea of what you might want to do? That may help us suggest some ideas for what kinds of jobs you could apply for.


Well-known member
why dont you try management consulting? you get to work with different companies in different industries. Although its stressful, its good for recent grads and would help you shape your views and decide on what you actually want to do. Plus you learn a whole lot in a short period of time