Christmas Gift Haul


Well-known member
Sorry no pictures for now, but maybe later!

I got for my mom Revitalizing Energy Charged Water, and for my cousin I got Plushlash and Prep and Prime Lash...then for me...

I depotted all my shadows today and took six of them back (I'm saving the rest up for special treats when I'm low in cash!) and got Hyperchic Lipglass from the Stylistics collection! I was so excited when the MA told me I could B2M for them!!! I also got a few 4 pan pro palettes (I prefer them to the 15 because of the clear top) and one of the new sharpeners because my old one self-destructed. Anyway... Hyperchic is so pretty and I'm glad I got to B2M for it because I wouldn't have been able to justify spending $24CAD on a lipglass!!