Chrome Yellow clone?


Well-known member
Hi, I need a bright yellow color, but I dont want to buy MAC's chrome yellow since I'll probably only use it a few times (Halloween costume, and maybe out to the bar once) does anyone have any good drugstore recs for a bright vivid yellow? thanks!


Well-known member
chrome yellow is a good investment imho since it can be used to brighten up other colors or used in the corner of the eye for a cool effect. plus it is becoming a really hot color and great to pair with oranges and terracottas, etc. for the fall. but, have you tried nyx shadows? i think they have a color that is similar to it. . . .


Well-known member
I agree with NYX, if you have a store that sells it near you!

Maybe you could buy a sample of Golden Lemon pigment off of someone ? Its bright yellow, but it is sparkly, not matte like Chrome Yellow is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by csuthetaphi
I agree with NYX, if you have a store that sells it near you!

Maybe you could buy a sample of Golden Lemon pigment off of someone ? Its bright yellow, but it is sparkly, not matte like Chrome Yellow is.

Or you could buy a Primary Yellow sample as well


Well-known member
Thanks! We have a SDM nearby that sells NYX...i wanted to check out some of their little pigment jars anyways, so I'll look into it next time I'm there

Ok, my local pharmasave has a huge collection of nyx (slightly pricier than most drugstore brands, but as gorgeous as MACS) and my sister bought me yellow, antique gold, and yellow pearl (loose) for Christmas...Yellow Pearl looks a lot like goldmine, but even brighter, I think the Yellow looks like MAC's chrome yellow, but I'm having trouble getting it to show up...I use corn underneath, and the golden hues of Corn are overpowering it, I think I'll just try it wet and see what it looks like...
anyways, high recs for NYX, especially the cherry and white colors