Chromeglass question


Well-known member
I bought one today and the applicator is really weird and stiff. It actually hurts to apply it. Are they all like that or should I take it back???


Well-known member
Mine was like that at first too but just on the tip. I had planned on cutting the end off a bit but then the next time I went to use it it was normal so I don't know what happened. I would try running it under warm water to see if that helps loosen it up a bit because to me it seemed like the bristles were just sticking together.


Well-known member
I am guessing they did that during manufacturing to keep the brushes from splaying. But..that binding at the end should naturally dissipate.

A few of mine were a wee bit on the scratchy side. With some, it went away. The others I just may trim. If you don't like yours, I would take it back. They should absolutely exchange a product that hurts.


Well-known member
I had the same thing happen with a non-mac product, and I just washed the applicator in warm water. It was fine after that.


Well-known member
Two of mine were like that but just at the tip, so I pressed the side of the brush against my lip a few times and it softened up.


Well-known member
I've had it with a lipgloss, I never returned it, but I think I should have, and I think you should too! don't accept a product that's not okay.


Well-known member
mine was like that too, but after a few uses that hard edge kind of softened up and the bristles dispersed a little. it's still not as soft as the lustreglass brushes, but it's good enough for me.