cleaning the 182 brush...


Well-known member
I'm sorry if there is a topic on this already, could someone just direct me to it if there is?

anyways, I just got the 182 kabuki brush, and I cleaned it with diluted brush cleaner, but when it dried, it wasn't as firm as it used to be. did I clean it wrong? thanks so much!


Well-known member
this is your first time washing it i take it?

your actually supposed to wash our brushes b4 you use them (i'm guilty of not doing this lol). That, "Firmness" your brush is missing. Thats the chemical they spray on new brushes to keep the bristles in shape while they are on the shelves. It washed out when you washed the brush, and now the brush is in it's natural state. So yeh, it's not supposed to be as firm as when you bought it.


Well-known member
I noticed that brushes are very soft after being washed, but after I used them a few times they are more dense


Well-known member
They will firm up as they get full of oils and powders. I always know its time for a clean when they get quite stiff.


Active member
Little tip, that I do after I wash my Kabuki's. I wrap a rubberband around the brush hair, till it dries. Helps it from not "fraying" out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandaceM
Little tip, that I do after I wash my Kabuki's. I wrap a rubberband around the brush hair, till it dries. Helps it from not "fraying" out.

I do a version of this as well. I always keep the sleeves my face brushes come in so that I can keep the bristles together after washing them. For the kabuki, I alternate between diluted brush cleaner and gentle shampoo, and then lay it out to dry on a towel on its side. When the bristles are completely dry (after a couple of hours or overnight, depending on the washing method), I slip it back into the little plastic tube it came in, and the next time I go to use it, it has regained its original form. Some fluffing of the brush after multiple uses and cleanings should be expected, but reshaping after washing goes a long way towards avoiding extreme splaying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meagannn
Why do you guys dilute your brush cleaner?

Am i missing out here?


haha I do it because that's what everyone else does, and it seems to keep theirs pretty nice. I also think that just brush cleaner is pretty harsh stuff and it's toned down by adding water? not sure, but I remember hearing that somewhere.