Coastal Scents EyeShadow Palettes..


Well-known member
im planning on getting one but cant decide one which one to get.
the Ultra Shimmer 88 shadow palette or the regular 88 shadow palette.

does anyone have either (or both) and can help me with this decision? thanks in advance !


Well-known member
I really like the regular 88 (also all the colors are not matte)...but I don't like a whole lot of sparkle/glitter.....But if you like a lot of frost type colors I would say go for the Shimmer palette


Well-known member
there is already a discussion thread on coastal scents including this topic


Well-known member
I really like the shimmer one. The colours really pop and arent overly shimmery, although I havent tried the matte one.


Well-known member
I only have the matte one and I like it. Tish is right about the matte palette. Not all the colors are matte.


Well-known member
If you want more versatility u can get the regular 88 e/s palette and then add a light wash of shimmer over it (you could use a pigment) so you could make your own shimmer colors. up to u. they're both very nice.