CoC && Small Overrich Hault :)


Well-known member
Hi guys!

I love going to MAC they're just so nice xD

Anway, here's what I got...

- Spiced Chocolate Quad
- Lightly Ripe l/s
- Russian Red l/s - this was a two-time mix up.. I asked for Rich & Ripe l/g but got Bing Mattene instead so I went back in to exchange it, forgot I didn't get Rich & Ripe and asked for Russian Red instead xD
- Cherry Blossom l/g
- Jampacked l/g
- Cult of Cherry l/g
- Antique Green Pigment- I read the label on one of the pigments three times and kept seeing "Antique Gold" which I now know is "Vintage Gold" and that's actually what I wanted but I got this one instead which is fine because its so pretty!
- Mega-Rich Pigment

And I just ordered Rich & Ripe l/g online hehe

Thanks for looking, even if I have lost my mind ha ha

xx Becca


Well-known member
Must be..I put a T on haul -_-

But thanks