Coffee and Acne: Is there a link?


Well-known member
I drink about 2-3 cups of coffee every morning, it's the only way I can stay alert throughout the day. I don't really break out badly every month, but on occasion, it happens. Usually, it comes around times of stress and that's when I'm taking in even more caffeine, so that makes me think there's some sort of connection besides the stress that we already know makes us break out anyway. In your experience, does high caffeine intake lead to a break out? Or worse?


Well-known member
Honestly, I've never experienced a connection. I go through periods where I drink tons of coffee & others when I drink none at all...and I haven't noticed any change in my skin/breakouts.

It would be interesting to see if there has ever been a study done on it though.


Well-known member
i don't think there is.

i drink 1 cup of coffee a day, and it's rare that i have more. it doesn't seem to make any difference, i still get realy bad stress-releated breakouts.


Absolutely not.
If you were to experience breakouts every time you drink coffee (which you don't according to your post) it would be because of an allergic reaction to the coffee or an ingredient in the coffee itself.
Contrary to common belief, there is no such thing as a food that makes you break out. However eating healthier foods may improve the look of your skin or do something of similar importance ( help to de-stress.)
Although I experience no breakouts from coffee, I do find myself more alert and many times fidgety and anxious when I drink it. The side affects of caffeine can be useful when your pressed for time or in the mood for a pick/wake-me-up. However, when you ingest something that makes you more aware and stressed, during an already stressful situation you relay twice the stress upon yourself. Perhaps you should try a caffeinated tea to help to relax. Feeling daring? Mind over Matter. Try non-caffeinated coffees, teas, and sodas during the evening to help get better sleep and help to start the day off and wake up easier (perhaps not needing coffee at all in the morning). Or get a friend to sneak you non-caffeinated products and see if you really know the difference between the two. If this doesn't work try breathing exercises or yoga before bed and/or first thing in the morning. (I know this is easier said than done, but don't take yourself too seriously, and Relax, Live a little! all road blocks will smooth themself over with time.)
So far, we've cleared up the breakout dangers. But the only thing coffee may induce upon you worse than breakouts may be addiction. Watch the caffeine intake and you should be fine. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Frappucino almost every summer morning, and sometimes during the winter, along with an occasional cup "light and sweet."
I hope this clears up your questions, and helps you with whatever stressful situation your experiencing. PM me if you have any questions.
All the best,


Well-known member
I think there is an indirect link. Coffee is a diuretic, so it dehydrates you, which can in tern affect your skin. I understand that acne is genetic, esp. severe acne, however I do very much believe that diet affects the health and condition of skin and hair.


Well-known member
Stress is whats causing it, not the coffee. I drink a ton of coffee and the only time I ever break out is when I'm on my period.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by goodbyexxkitty
Stress is whats causing it, not the coffee. I drink a ton of coffee and the only time I ever break out is when I'm on my period.

I agree. I drink a TONNE of coffee and I am lucky enough to be blessed with clear skin. Under severe stress I have been known to break out though!


Well-known member
hmm, i guess i'm just already stressed when i'm drinking more coffee anyway and just wanted a "culprit"...but it is interesting that coffee dehydrates the skin, i guess i was wondering about that affecting acne
thanks for all the replies!


Well-known member
i honestly don't think so. i know that coffee dehydrates you therefore making your skin a little dull but i don't think it's linked to acne. same with the chocolate & acne myth or eating foods that are high in fat & acne...all of those things do not cause acne. chocolate boosts the serotonin in our brains that produces a calm, stable effect on our body. usually acne is a result of stress or heredity (for example i didn't get blessed with beautiful skin b/c my father suffered from terrible acne when he was growing up, so i inherited that from him), skin type (dry, normal, oily, combo), the environment, dirt & bacteria that gets lodged into your pores and causes breakouts, cosmetics, etc. chocolate (especially dark chocolate) is also good for you b/c it contains antioxidants which bind to "free radicals" in our bodies that damage normal, healthy cells.

bottom line i honestly wouldn't worry about a link between coffee & acne. if you're drinking coffee and notice that you're breaking out, it could be from other factors or it could be more of an allergic reaction rather than a breakout.