Color Help!


I've recently become a MAC addict, which lead me to this forum! I dont have any time in the next few weeks to go to a store and play, So I need some help! I'm looking for a eyeshadow that would match or come close to this color:


The top eye seems to represent the color the best - its a silvery taupey brown color, if that makes any sense. The bottom eye is very close to the real color aswell, but its a bit more smokey/silvery than in that picture.

I've had a look at the MAC site, and the only shadow that seems to look similar is Satin Taupe, but before I order it I wanted some more input/other suggestions.


TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Satin Taupe in general is a great addition to any collection, you'll never be sorry.

Your second photo does look very much like Satin Taupe (Frost).

Satin Taupe tends to look warm due to the bronze undertone.

Although, your first photo reminds me of Sweet Sienna (Antiquitease: Color October 2007), or Mauvement (Rushmetal - July 2007), or even Subtle (NocturnElle - October 2006) Pigments.

Unfortunately, all of those are LE, but may be either found here from Sellers/Traders listed on Specktra or eBay.

And you may also get samples from any number of Sellers/Traders here.

For further investigation look at the product swatch thread here in the forum for the above mentioned.

Bottom line: because Satin Taupe is so versatile and neutral due to its Silver/Bronze shimmer you may use it with warm or cool shades and will always look fantastic.
Probably the richest looking taupe out there - along with the new Smoke and Diamonds (Starflash), of course!