Color Stories--make it comprehensive?


Well-known member

When I was a real newbie to MAC and Specktra (just a few months ago) I really liked the Color Stories link at the top of the site. It was helpful to know what was coming down the pipeline. I've noticed it's not been kept up to date.

My suggestion:

Could we keep the details up to date (ie Keepsake released on Oct 25 is still not updated), or even better than having to update two pages, link to the Color Collection closed threads that Janice, MAC_Whore, and other mods create and update with release dates, product info and add a quick link to the swatch forum? It would be like a one-stop page to quickly peruse the CRUCIAL
info on collections.

Thanks for reading!!!!


Well-known member
The color stories are comprehensive. I needed time for all of the information to shake out, it took awhile for all the info to come down and flesh out each holiday collection. I personally don't like to put prelim info on the color stories page. Until I have time to code all the new pages for the holiday collection I have linked all of the color stories to the appropriate threads on the forum.


Well-known member
Thanks so much! That's all I had wanted. Do you have to change code/do the work twice or just link to the pages like you did? I think thats sufficient--saves you some time! I guess as long as those threads don't get deleted....