Colour recommendations?

I have red hair and green eyes and freckles (slightly more than Lindsay Lohan's freckles). I'm looking for colour recommendations that would work for both day and night or separately. I'm not as tan as Lindsay (*cough - she uses fake tan!*) so I have a fairly pale complexion.

I prefer to not wear blue or purple. They just don't work on me and make me look as if I'm a zombie.

Any eyeshadow/pigment recommendations?


Well-known member
Maybe try something in the gold/bronze color area. One of my old roommates had similar coloring and she used to wear those colors, along with browns.

Also, my hair is red naturally, but I have been dyeing it black for the past 4+ years, but back in the day I used to wear a lot of purples and I think they looked great with my green eyes. Maybe if you don't like purple, try a light shade, like a lilac color.