Competing with other counters around you


Active member
Hi there, y'all!

Well, the gals I work with in my dept. store are trying to eat me alive. Everyday, they are picking away at SOMETHING I am not doing right. I am the youngest (36) at my store. The oldest are 66 and 67. So, I think there might just be a little bit of balking at my young enthusiasm - and I mean no disrespect to the more seasoned veterans in this industry - but I do feel "singled out" because I'm the youngest one on the scene.


I work at Lancome, as you know, and I'm just closing up my first month. In my store, there is Lancome, Estee Lauder, Elizabeth Arden, and Clinique. Yesterday, I was accused of "stealing" someones customers. Because, they walked in, asking for "makeup that you can put on your face, that ALMOST looks like makeup, but not really" and so I thought maybe they were talking about tinted moisturizer... then, it dawned on me, in the middle of my schpiel that they were talking about the "Almost makeup" from Clinique. So, after I tried to switch gears, and send them to Clinique, it was too late, and I had my hook in one of the ladies, and she sat in my chair and asked to see our products.

So I showed her a bunch of different foundation looks, and she LOVED them all, and bought some.

So - the Clinique gals are FUMING mad at me, accusing me of recruiting their clients to my counter. Which is SOOO not me, I don't have that bloodthirsty greed inside me that some salespeople have... my intentions were NOT to "take over" another counters client. It was just a flukey accident.

Anyhow - how do you keep the competition among the counters HEALTHY? ??? I've overheard MORE than once, the Clinique girl remark on their wonderful prices, and the clear insinuation that Lancome is overpriced. I NEVER badmouth the other counters. It is not my work-ethic style. But, I don't give them a hard time about their selling tactics - I just work on my own product knowledge, and I talk UP our products without talking down anyone elses.

Any advice here?


Well-known member
In my store, that behavior is not tolerated. From anyone. From the lifelong employees to the new ones, I don't allow bullying, intimidation, or greed. Have you thought about gently bringing it up with your manager? I know as the new person you may feel like you are whining or the manager will just tell you to toughen up, but I don't think so. In my experience, older sales people have a gruffness about them from simply working retail so long. Not to offend anyone, but they can be a little more direct, less sugar coated, and there is kind of no doubt if they don't like you. With the right attitude, you can usually break them down. My second suggestion: make the other girls feel like you need them or look up to them. Ask them for help with something, ask them questions about their products. Ask them about their best customer ever. Pick their will make them feel like you are not a know it all and that you value them as a seasoned seller. If you can find a way to be friendly, it should return. the thing you do not want to do is totally keep your mouth shut and seeth about it. that will raise the tension to an intolerable level and you will either blow your top or begin to not want to come to work! Sounds like you are the new kid on the block, it could just be the "feeling you out" period. what will you put up with, what will you react to. whatever you decide to do , just remember that if you allow them to treat you like this, they will continue to do so. Kill em with kindness, go to your manager, or if you feel you can do it positively, talk to them. Good luck.


Well-known member
Yeah in my store that behavior.. it's not tolerated at all with our sales manager but at the same time we for the most part all love each other. I work for Clinique but I do adore some Lancome stuff too lol. Those girls we're probably mad because you got a decent sale (I mean the lady didn't directly say she was looking for a Clinique product at first) for what one product Lancome would sell it would take us (Clinique) sometimes almost up to 3 products to sell just to get the same dollar amount as one Lancome sale. Our prices are really low for a dept store brand so we have no issues getting customers so they can get over it. But if you don't feel up to talking to them directly I would bring it up to your dept manager and let them know what happened. Hopefully it can all get squared away!


Well-known member
You did nothing wrong... Trust me. You did your job just right. When a client comes to your counter asking for something from a different brand, you should offer something comparable from your own brand. Sorry to say, but it's a JOB and you have GOALS (I worked for Lancome before... If you want to last at all, you gotta make and exceed those goals!). That's cosmetic sales 101. Don't feel bad because you got that sale. You did it honestly. It's crooked when you go "Oh, Clinique uses dog poo in their foundations dontyakno". Then it's a problem. :p


Well-known member
I agree with everyone else. You are not in the wrong here. You helped your customer find something she loved and that's the whole point. When it comes down to it honesty is the best quality a MUA can have. It not only retains client loyalty but prevents large returns as well.... and don't forget... she came to you first! Why wouldn't you try to find something for her in your own brand?

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