Contouring Questionss


Active member
Hey everyone! I've always been interesting in contouring, but never really got into it until now..yay!

I've been using the mineralized skinfinish in dark/natural shimmer with the 168. After looking at a few pics I realized it looks wayyy too orange on me...

Soooo I was wondering what MAC as well as drugstore brands (to hold me off until I can get to a MAC store) I should get...

I'm a NW 30 btw


Well-known member
I use MAC Blunt to contour, theres no orange to it at all and it's matte so it's perfect. It's like medium-dark slightly golden brown.


Well-known member
if you buy on ebay some good contouring powders are: emote blush which has absolutely ZERO orange in it, accentuate/sculpt powder. both are LE but if you can get your hands on them they're great!


Active member
Originally Posted by Exotica
if you buy on ebay some good contouring powders are: emote blush which has absolutely ZERO orange in it, accentuate/sculpt powder. both are LE but if you can get your hands on them they're great!

I've seen alot of people mention Emote on here. I'd love to find it, but wonder what will happen if I love it and can't find it again.


Well-known member
Sadly Emote is gone -- but there are some ES which I find work well... try Wedge which is my most reliable one for NC-NW 30+, or the Sculpting powder, which is also fantastic (I have seen some on EBAy, but they are almost $30


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fashionista9989
Is that LE?

no, its pro.

Originally Posted by HerGreyness
Sadly Emote is gone -- but there are some ES which I find work well... try Wedge which is my most reliable one for NC-NW 30+, or the Sculpting powder, which is also fantastic (I have seen some on EBAy, but they are almost $30

damn! you can buy it brand new for $18 at pro!


Well-known member
I use Benefit Hoola. It's pretty versatile. For my lighter than NC15 self if I use it really lightly it works well but it can be easily built up for darker complexions. No shimmer, no orange.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
no, its pro.

damn! you can buy it brand new for $18 at pro!

Great point, especially if you only need the contouring side. Plus I use Fun & Games as a highlighter and I like it better than the highlighting side of my Sculpt & Shape Duo. I said all that to say that the highlighting side of the duos aren't a must have in my opinion and if you feel differently you can get the individual of those as well by calling a Pro store.


Well-known member
I'm NC30 and I use harmony blush with the 165 brush. The 109 brush works well too!!!


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Originally Posted by ladyJ
I'm NC30 and I use harmony blush with the 165 brush. The 109 brush works well too!!!

i was just about to ask about Harmony

What's the difference in color between Emote vs Harmony??


Active member
Thanks for all the input ladies! You're all awesome!!

Any suggestions on application?? Sometimes I skip the highlighter that a huge no-no??


Active member
Originally Posted by Lambchop
I use Benefit Hoola. It's pretty versatile. For my lighter than NC15 self if I use it really lightly it works well but it can be easily built up for darker complexions. No shimmer, no orange.

I use to use Benefit products back in the day...maybe I should go back and look at 'em again *hmmm*