Cool EYes? Warm Eyes? Help!

I did a search for this, but couldn't find anything that seemed likely, so I do apologise if this question has been asked and answered before.

I wear NC30 foundation. This is a "cool" shade, rather than "warm", right? Therefore, should i be looking at the Cool Eyes and Cool Lips palettes rather than the Warm Eyes and Lips palettes? I have brown eyes and hair, which I would normally have associated with warmer colours. Or do Cool and Warm have different indications when they're not referring to foundation shades?

When the MAC MA did my eyes, she used Amber Lights, Bronze and Ricepaper eyeshadows, which all looked gorgeous. i think the Warm palettes would suit me better, but am i going to end up with make-up which doesn't suit me?

I think I'm better off buying individual shades to start with, and experimenting from there.


Well-known member
i mostly buy browns.golds . purples even though purple is a cool it makes my blue eyes pop. So i think matching 2 eyecolor and not skin tone is a somewhat better idea plus in pallettes and sets your always going to most likely get a color that your not going to use thats one of the reasons i dont like pallettes plus their annoying and not worth the money imo.


Well-known member
It's confusing, but NC-ers are actually those with warm tones. You can find an explanation for it here.

I'm NC30-35 and I found it hard to pull of the cool palette last year but through the year I've played around with cool colours that worked. You can pretty much wear any colour, but warm colours are the easiest to work with.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Warmer colours will be better and plus some of them are neutrals and everyone looks good with those. I suggest buying some warmer shades first and testing some other cool shades.


Well-known member
Just to add to the confusion - every colour also has warm shades and cool shades. To use the example of purple, i would consider parfait amour to be a cool purple, but satellite dreams to be a warm purple.

But, i couldn't agree more with BlahWah - you can wear any colour, but warm tones may be easier to work with for you

Btw, I'm an NC25. I think the warm palette is gorgeous, I would have bought it if the $$ permitted.


Well-known member
Also, if you can find it and afford it, the Take Wing quad is very nice as well. I didn't think it'd be great but I wanted it anyway (the colours look gorgeous!). I wore it today and got a good number of compliments on it! If you can't, at least try out Cranberry which is close to one of the shadows in the quad. HTH!


Well-known member
I bought the warm eyeshadow and lipstick palettes (got a back up of this one) and I don't think you can go wrong with this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kat
Just to add to the confusion - every colour also has warm shades and cool shades. To use the example of purple, i would consider parfait amour to be a cool purple, but satellite dreams to be a warm purple.

to add to this (which might be an easier way to see it) if you look at red lipsticks, ruby woo is a very warm shade of red (has a lot of orangey red) while MAC red is very blue red making it a cooler shade of red. hope that helps. it's easier to see the difference if you actually take the products and swatch them right up against eachother on your hand


Well-known member
I'm warm with yellow-toned skin, hazel eyes and brown hair, but I prefer cool shades of e/s, especially purples/violets. There's not really a hard and fast rule for coordinating colors with your skintone, just try different shades to see what works well for you. It seems like warm neutrals are great for you, so go with that, but don't be afraid of cool colors either!