Cosmotology Schools?


Well-known member
So today I went to look at the beauty schools in my town. I have always wanted to become a cosmetologist and today was the first time that I was ever out, actually looking for information because of a few personal things that have gone on. ANYWAY. What I'm really confused about is: what school should I go to? I'm completely lost. I live in Oregon, and I know that there are some really great schools in Portland but I just have no idea how I would commute being that I live about an hour away.

So really, I don't know quite what I am asking, I just don't want to go to a school that isn't very good. Any advice would be greatly appreciated


Well-known member
my advice is this: it's not necessarily how "good" the school is, because generally speaking beauty schools all teach the basics. it's more about whether or not you apply yourself, study, and practice. also, self-teaching is alot too. look up videos on youtube, join, and find out from local beauty supply stores if they offer continuing education classes.
and just keeping looking around at schools. i would recommend going into the school, taking a tour, and maybe pulling a few of the students aside and asking for their honest opinions. you would be surprised how honest most of them really are!


Well-known member
Thank you! I really appreciate your response. That's kind of what I thought the idea was, because I'm more than willing to give 110% into this. It's just my mom started talking to me about it and it kind of got me thinking. I've also never really been anywhere except a community college, and cosmetology will be my first step into a career involving beauty. Thanks again.


Well-known member
You could enroll in an online program?
I'm thinking about doing that since I don't live close to ANY school

I've only found 2 NOMA and HEX