Counter Experience


Well-known member
When I usually go to my counter I have like absolutely no makeup on, hair tied up and dressed whatever.
Today I went in to get some lipsticks with my b2m and actually had a full face on including falsies and my hair down.
The MA's kept asking if I did it myself hahaha I didn't know if it was a compliment or not. But really, who else would do it? I buy allllll this MAC for a reason... to wear it!
Thought it was amusing =)


I'm sure it was a compliment! That's better than going in and having an MA look at your face with confusion and ask, "Who did this to you?"

Happened to me. :) I apparently was wearing a foundation shade that was way off for me.


Well-known member
haha, i also either wear barely-there or no makeup at all when i go to MAC. and i always only notice that when i'm actually at the counter or in the store. every time that happens i think "great! what's the point of having so much & buying more, when you aren't wearing it in front of 'professionals'?"

buy anyway, what she said to you sounds like a compliment to me! good job


Well-known member
I usually don't wear much more than foundation and mascara to my counter, because I know I'll be trying stuff on when I get there.


Well-known member
The girls at the local counter and store know me by name, which is a little embarassing. I usually roll in there after work or right on opening time, so I rarely look very put together or awake.