Culturebloom Event!


Well-known member
Yep,. there with bells on,.. I bought 4 shadows,.(Spring Up, Lovebud, Overgrown, Lavedar Sky) 3 glosses,..(Flowerosophy, Budding, Petal Pusher) 2 pro pan blushes (Peachtwist, Springsheen) and some empty palettes and wipes,.. I didnt get my glimmershimmer because Orange Twink was the only one they did not get. It was really cool. Crazy people passing in the mall peering in because they had dudes at the door with clipboards barring people,.. and signs that it was closed to the public after 6. I was really glad to go,..I hope they do another soon.


Well-known member
Yep I went. Wasn't too impresed, I do not do well with crowds and did not expect there to be 60 people crammed into one little store and having to wait in line to get in. I bought 3 e/s one I need to return( I feel so bad but the color just sucks, its the orangey/peach one) and an amazing blush springsheen.

I thinkI would never attend again unless I could be the first one in because of the amount of pushy rude people. People had brought their kids and husbands in the store, tell me why coulden't they wait outside???


Well-known member
Wow,.. they let husbands and kids in? At ours,. the invite was 1 and a guest,.. no more than two,..NO kids,.. they served alcohol,.... so I got lucky in that account,.. plus our store made reservations in rotations,.. they booked so many per every half hour,.. when a couple left then the next were let in. It worked pretty well,.. it was crowded but not unbearable.


Well-known member
I agree with LivinginPink, I too wasn't too impressed. Basicly it was a sales pitch, after reading different things that have happened during events I thought ours here was pretty dull. The place was packed with only one small display of culture bloom set-up & another of ultra cheek. The rest of the store was the same as always... Lots of MA's & runners. They had cookies, crackers & mixed drinks. Napkins were black & I was upset because i thought they'd say MAC but they didn't! I spent over $300 & had to ask for the postcard
But then she gave me the Cd too... which by the way is just people talking about spring... no info on makeup at all!!!! I'd go to one again but next time just buy what I want & leave.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LivinginPink
Yep I went. Wasn't too impresed, I do not do well with crowds and did not expect there to be 60 people crammed into one little store and having to wait in line to get in. [...] I thinkI would never attend again unless I could be the first one in because of the amount of pushy rude people.

Same. The event I went to was invitee +1 guest and my cousin and I got there early but it got crowded really quickly. The MA's were amazingly nice and I kind of wish I lived closer to that store so I could go there all the time, but I honestly couldn't believe how stank some of the other event-goers were. Some of the young ones at the event would stand around and look at you all sideways though, acting like they were at the club. I dunno, it was really gross and aside from getting my Culturebloom stuff and being all jealous that the MA's at this store were way nicer than the ones at the store by my house, I didn't really have much fun at all. I wouldn't go again unless it's back home in CT.

I got both blushcremes, Lavender Sky, and Iris Print though. Happy Valentine's Day to meeee!


Well-known member
Yeah I went too and regretted it, it wasnt worth it to get " first dibs" on the new collection.

It was way too crowded, while the MA's were very nice and helpful the people there were just rude, the line was forever to get my stuff, I couldnt barely get in to test the items so I just got in line, checked the stuff I wanted, and waited..and waited.

Then I got rude remarks and dark looks when they called my name to be rung up and there was 10 people in front of me ..but at that point I didnt care as I wanted to be outta there.

I also thought it was handbag fashion show, I have never seen so many women and girls wearing their new LV's, Marc Jacobs, Coach etc handbags and flaunting them like its suppose to mean something.

Anyway, I got all eyeshadows, the 2 blushcremes, and Sharp Beige.

The cream blushes are going back, while nice I dont think I will get much use out of them and Sharp Beige is going back, I only had time tos swipe in my hand and while I really liked the color, you can barely see it on my lips. I dont care if it is a LE. Bye Sharp Beige.

I dont I will ever go to an event like this again, too crowded, noisy, rude people and the wait was too long.


Well-known member
I just had one question, for those of you who already have bought the blushcremes. A few of you have mentionned that they're weren't what they expected them to be. I was wondering why, since I was wondering if I should purchase the pink one or not. Will I use it?? I don't know. I've never used blushcremes before, so that's I thought of asking some of you lovelies what you thought about it.