Curly Hair


I dunno if this should go here or in recs.. so i'll put it here.

anyway.. the point of this is.. I have baby fine hair, and it was kinda fried by many many head lice treatments as a kid, and it finally returns to health and i (like an idiot i suppose) go and get a spiral perm.
anyway it's not fried, really, just a little frizzy, and right now my solution is to put a lightweight gel in it in the morning after i take a shower, while it's still damp.
I was wondering if this could possibly further damage my hair, and if so or even if not, what's a better (cheap!) option to keep my hair from looking like i stuck my finger in a socket without weighing it down. cuz like i said it's super super fine, so it doesn't take a lot to weigh it down.


Well-known member
Well, it isn't a cheap solution, but it works great. If you can get ahold of Sebastion #9 potion, it works wonders. It is a leave in conditioner and styling product in one. I have fine hair too, and it doesn't weigh mine down at all. The other option is to find a lightweight silicone smoother. It will keep the flyaways in check and helps to prevent further damage. Let us know how it goes.