"Daddy ate my eyes"


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Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Gouge the bastard's eyes! My God, look at that child
If that scum-of-a-father didn't do drugs, I'd say take his eyes out and give to his son. I only hope God gives that fuckin screwed up son-of-a-bitch HELL and this poor baby his sight back!


Well-known member
Wow...where do these people and these stories come from...sad...I hate seeing stuff like this...maybe that is why I stay away from the news most days.


Well-known member
This is insane.. that poor little boy

WTF is wrong with people!? PCP is probably the scariest drug ever. I remember a story where this guy was convinced that this girl was the devil so he cut her stomach open and like.. ate her insides. then he proceeded to walk down the street naked, covered in her blood. Wow. This is just as horrible, probably even worse because it's a little kid.. aside from the obvious physical trauma I can't even begin to imagine the emotional trauma this kid will have for the rest of his life.

So sad.


Well-known member
OMG this is absolutely insane, poor child. So so sad.

I wish someone would burn that f***** alive.


Well-known member
I couldn't even read the article properly when I saw it on Yahoo news a couple of days ago. I felt utterly sick.

That poor, poor baby. It's heartbreaking.


Active member
That is so upsetting...poor kid. People who do those things need intensive mental help. This is the reason I don't watch the news outside of getting the weather forecast.

My prayers go out to the family


(p.s. i hope the ut the dad under the jail!)


Well-known member
I read about this when it first came out. Made my eyes get teary...just goes to show what drugs can do to someone.

They should both permanently lose custody of any children they have, and they should BOTH go to prison. Dad for torture, and Mom for being the stupid bitch that stayed with him. Hope Dad is tortured in prison.

Can you imagine the kind of therapy that this poor kid is going to need???


Well-known member
Wow poor kid. I blame the father 100 %..not the drugs, he chose to do the drugs so he is to blame. PCP is a crrrrrrrazy drug...freaking crazy. You become SUPER strong, and dont feel any pain you also get really hot ( thats why ppl on PCP get naked because it raises their body temperature). Belive me when someone is naked and sweaty and crazy strong its really really hard for cops to get a hold of them. They are slippery and theres nothing to hold on to!

Anywho I feel for the kid, no amount of prison time or death even will ever do justice for that boy, hes gonna have to be haunted with that for the rest of his life.