daring blushes


Active member
I'm not sure if anyone has thought of wearing these color blushes on an outing or just a normal day. My favorite color of all time is blue so I'm thinking why not wear blue blush! It sounds crazy but I think I'm going to try it. I think it will make my face look more blue and give me a futuristic look. Have anybody else ever wanted to do something similiar that's not the norm. I know you're probably saying that the only time you'll see blue blush is in theatres or movies or something like this. I think we should post pics of these out of norm pics. Anybody with me? Or am I just drunk on blue right now?


Well-known member
I love the idea of a blue blush for an editorial look or a photoshoot, but I don't think that I would do it for everyday wear, but then again I have never liked blue makeup much on myself. If you want to rock it then go for it! Post pics for us if you do, I'd love to see them!


Well-known member
I'd love to see it as well.. I'm thinking of trying a grey-tone blush. Not just any old Taupe blush since that's a little too easy. I'm thinking more like a "Bough Grey"/"Hold My Gaze" grey. I'll venture into more slate-grey's later on, haha.