Dark purple lipstick on asian skin?


Active member
i love the whole dark lips thing going on but could never wear black lipstick to college. i'm nc42 and need a dark purple lipstick that's still wearable, any recommendations??


Well-known member
Faultlessly by MAC


Well-known member
MAC's Smoked Purple l/s is sooo pretty it is not as dark as Faultlessy but they are close in color but it works so well on my skin tone and it's matte so not a lit of extra shine or lustre to make it look darker


Well-known member
Night Violet. OMG...LOVE.
I just bought Night Violet and Blackfire glimmerglass...it's a really sexy dark purple lip.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I second Night Violet.... though it's not purple, more like burgundy purple. I love the combo of Night Violet and Black Fire. It looks pretty good on me (I'm NW25/30) and I'm pretty sure darker skintones can rock it too

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Tish now you're making me want Smoked Purple...We don't have a Pro store in Ottawa so I'll have to order by phone.

You think it will suit me?


Well-known member
It is GORGEOUS!!!! if they charge a lot I can pick it up the next time I go to the PRO store here and s/h to Canada is only like $2

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
It is GORGEOUS!!!! if they charge a lot I can pick it up the next time I go to the PRO store here and s/h to Canada is only like $2

Cool, I'll ask to see what s/h is and let you know


Active member
thank you guys!!! this is really helpful, hopefully i'll get the night violet lipstick this week, and depending on money might even get the blackfire glimmerglass



Well-known member
Night Violet used as a stain is perfect..NARS FAst Ride is great as a stain also but can be built up to a full lippie.. if not, try Grape from LM and get a more sheer dark lip.

If you want to go budget, Revlon's Blackberry is a great lippie and can be used as a great stain.

Get a black lip gloss and you are set