Dark Underarms?? :(


Well-known member
I personally, pluck the hair, it takes me like 20 min. for both of my underarms.
and i do it 2-3 times a week, since the roots get pretty weak, after so much, ¨plucking¨ they´ll start to grow thinner and less each time.
I also use st. ive´s apricot sbrub after i wash them in the shower , i use my bath gloves, since they are great for scrubbing (because of the texture) and my underarms look fine.


i have a similar problem.

oh wow pluck each hair? you must be suUUPPERR PATIENT.
i would try waxing .. but i hate pain and it seems like such a sensitive areaa..


Well-known member
I used to have dark underams really hella dark ..I would think to myself why do I look like i dont shower ..when i freaking scrub like crazy every day. Then later on I devolped this sweat gland clogging thing called hidradentis supperativa or something. My doctor basically said STop wearing deodarant and shaving ..Im like wtf ... I don't want to have dark pits and smell...

but I also wanted to get rid of my problem. I wasn't necessarily trying to get rid of the dark pits ..i just got used to it ..it was more the hidradentis supperativa that was painful clogged sweatgland ..kind of like an inner pimple that will never go away.

so anyway first i stopped using deodarnt. THat didn't last long cuz well it was stinky. Then I started using baking soda..w hich definetly took away the smell ..but after using it a while ..it started forming a film on my skin and it would peel and look unslightly and got really dry.

then I discovered ..crystal body deodarnt ..You can get it from drugstore.com or the website of the maker. It's a rock crystal that you wet and rub it on your clean underarms.

this stuff not only cleared up my hidradentis supperativa ..it stopped me from being paranoid of rubbing stuff on my arms and having my problem reoccur ...ON the super plus side ..it lightend up my dark underarms ..and now well they look normal ..I don't know how ..I think maybe it has to do with the aluminium found in most deodarnts..this crystal rock thing is like all natural and its just a rock lol ..but it works..it took away smell , discolaration ...and my issue.. You wills till sweat a bit ...it does not hinder perspiration ..but it awesome and I will never ever use anything else.

You should totally try crystal body deodarnt ..it worked for my many issues and cleared up my underarms from being dark which I wasn't even trying to do ..it just did.

good luck hun ..I know it sucks ..I had been the same way all my life almost since about 14 ..and now at 26 I no longer have dark underarms.

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Causes for Dark underarms
Some of the causes of dark underarms are as follows Friction due to tight blouses and tops that brush against the skin, Excessive sweating, Infections due to improper washing of underarms, Shaving, Dead skin buildup, Chemicals, alcohol and strong fragrance in deodorants.


Well-known member
sadly, i suffer from this. i read to lightly scrub with a pumice rock. i think it is slowly helping me. u can find pumice rocks at a drug store.


Well-known member
I have really dark underarms as well and I suffer from excessive sweating and would LOOOOVE to try the botox injections but at the moment its too expensive could you please share your experience with the injections?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cassidy478
I've heard good things about Derma Doctor's Underarm lightening Deodorant.

I had just slightly darker pits, and using this actually lightened them up to my normal skin color. I dunno if it would work for everyone, but I went through just one roll-on of this, and it solved my problem. I still shave, and now I use normal deodorant, and no return of the darkness for over 2 years now


Well-known member
It's the razor pulling across the skin that causes the darkness. I get sugaring done, which is like waxing except gentler on the skin. Also could do threading. I noticed a big difference!


Well-known member
Thanks for all of the advice. I have just been suffering from the 5 o'clock shadow look on my underarms (the word "pits" makes me cringe for some reason). I am going to try the derma doctor deodrant first but I have also started waxing my underarm and that has helped a little bit.


Well-known member
Man, I should have found this theard before...

I've had dark underarms since I was a kid. My mom says, "It's because your filipino". My mom, aunts, cousins, etc. all have dark underarms.
My solution was never to put up my arms.


second da baking soda thingy , its a great cleanser , i use it often to exfoliate too , i srub my under arms b4 waxing it removes da dead cells and cause a lot less pain , hope that helps.


Active member
i've stopped shaving a long time ago and have been using the epilator for the underarms and it works REALLY well for me. it basically tweezes out every hair underneath your arms and i'd honestly say that my armpits have lighten drastically!

there are great brands available but make sure you get the best one that would work best for you. i would say either Philips or Emjoi would have the best epilators. they can also remove hair on your legs too!
so, it's veryyy versatile.


Well-known member
Pursebuzz has a video up about using an epilator, maybe you could try that.

Also keep in mind that darkening of the skin under the arms (the skin itself, not because of hair) is one of the signs of diabetes, I believe. Either diabetes or thyroid problems. Someone correct me.


New member
I heard some people just have dark underarms, but sometimes using deodorant with alcohol or plucking/shaving can cause dark underarms. I've tried many whitening underarm creams, but they don't work and some actually made my armpits itch! Now I'm using Dazzle Underarm Set I bought from Bangkok that includes 3 things: a scrub, toner and a deoconcealer. So far so good! The scrub removes all the dead skin and bumpy chicken skin I got from plucking and the toner actually reduces hair growth and make the hair grow slower and thinner. So now I don't pluck as often. The deoconcealer is actually concealer for your pits! It's concealer and deodorant in one. I don't think it's available outside Thailand, but I did see it on Amazon.

Hope this can be helpful for you guys....it's been working pretty good for me. Been using it for a few weeks now :)


I don't have "dark" underarms but I have noticed that they are now close to the same color as the rest of my arm since I started doing the following:

1) Exfoliate with St. Ives body scrub before shaving

2) Shave with a moisturizing shaving cream

and the most important step

3) Apply Tend Skin to my underarms once i'm done shaving. Tend Skin is for ingrown hairs and keeps the skin baby soft after a shave. It also has exfoliating properties, I think due to the salicylic acid in the solution.


New User
Hey gang.. this is super embarassing. Ive done a search online but havent been very satisfied with what Ive found. I also set an appt w/ my dermatologist in a few weeks but I wanted to get you guys' input if possible.

I have very dark underarms. Its very very very noticeable (especially since Im so light). Theyre basically black, just so you can understand what Im dealing w/. Ive always shaved, which I read I should stop doing and start waxing as it helps remove dead skin, etc (speaking of, can neone reccoment a good waxing kit?!?). But is there something I can do to lighten these pits?? Its getting warm and I hate having to wear sleeves in the summer.. Im gonna see if my derm. can give me some kinda of retin a treatment or something to help. But in the meantime Im just looking for ideas, if you guys have them.


I have dark underarms too.. I started waxing and it really didnt help. My hair grows very fast... so I had to wax like every week sometines.. and it was still dark. I have an appointment with my derm next week so Im going to ask her about it!!... Ill let you know what she says!

me i try only nlighthen product very effective