De Menthe?


Well-known member
I have bought MAC since 8th grade, and I never really paid attention to LE, or dc items. I just bought them if they were pretty. I pretty much abandoned them and they sat in my drawer for years. I finally pulled them out and realized I have alot of rare and sought after products. I had bee dust which I swapped on MUA, and I have a De Menthe pro pan (No pro stores in my state, bought it in Hawaii).

Although I know that no matter how "rare" an item is, it is still worth only retail value, does anybody know what a "fair" price for a De Menthe in pro pan form is? It is in great condition and has about 85% left.


Well-known member
It really depends on how much people are willing to pay for it. I'd say around $15-20 just because it's used so much, which is still more than retail!