Dealing With People Who Just Can't Listen.


Well-known member
I've got some friends who have this huge "I don't listen" mantra that they have. They totally ignore what everyone says and I cannot work work with them anymore! They love just talking on and on and on... What do you ladies do about people who don't listen?


Well-known member
If they have no interest in you/what you are saying, then it's time to find new "friends." Being a friend is a two-way's give and take. Whenever it becomes one-sided it's time to move on.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
An example would be helpful. I have an overly chatty friend. I interrupt her, because I would never get a word in otherwise. She's gotten better since I playfully mentioned it. If it's like that, I would just handle it that way (provided the friend isn't overly sensitive). If they're jerks, just dump 'em


Well-known member
While they are talking to me about shit I don't want to hear about or care about, I will turn around and start typing and doing working and I will avoid eye contact but will totally add in 'ah' 'oh yeah' 'mmhmmm' every now and then, making it real obvious I am not listening to them.

One girl did ask me why I was being rude and I straight out told her because she is always talking about herself. She denied it of course and walked away.

Sometimes you just have tell these chicas straight out.


Well-known member
I SO understand where you're coming from. I have tried a tip given to me where I should just start asking questions about people b/c they love talking about themselves. However, this also means a lot of the ones i talk to don't know when to use the STOP button. When I try saying something to them they'll either brush me off or say something really short in return and keep on talking about themselves. Even worse, sometimes they'll act ANNOYED if I tryto say something while they keep blabbing on with their oh-so-important stories. After a while I want to punch them in the face. It feels so hard to find a happy medium between people who will be willing to listen to you and people who can talk enough to not make things awkward.

The best thing I would try (I am still like you though, stuck in a rut about this) is to be really assertive when you want to say something. I know I have a problem with reducing my voice to a mousy-soft tone that sounds kind of weak and "erm, can I say somethi- oh, you're still talking..ok i'll shut up again." so people either can't hear me or they won't listen/take me seriously. You kind of have to shove your way in there if you want to be heard or else they'll walk all over you. It's really hard, I know because sometimes you can't even find a moment to say anything cause they won't shut up.

Another thing to do is to, like what caraamericana said, just act like you're not listening anymore. Most of the time people will get the hint. And again like what she said if people give you a hard time about it just tell them that they are talking too much about themselves. I'm the kind who doesn't want to offend anyone, so I don't know if I have the guts (yet) to do this, but it's definately worth a try and it'll probably make them listen to or respect you more.

Also if you're friends keep doing this and keep disregarding what you have to say, either sit them down and tell them or find new friends. One of the key qualities in having a GOOD friendship is that both sides will LISTEN to each other, not always do the talking. And right now it sounds like they're being pretty crappy friends if they keep doing that to you.


Well-known member
Sadly, I'm sort of one of these people. I have a really short attention span, and it's not like I don't care what my friends are teling me, but thoughts along the lines of what they are talking about pop into my head and I just *have* to say them out loud. I know it's one of my worse habits that I can be a bad listener, so I tell my friends to tell me to shush up if I try to interrupt them. If they are really your friends, being upfront and pointing out that they're hurting your feelings should be a reality check.


Well-known member
liv, I am totally like you as well! I always have a million thoughts running through my head and I'm sure sometimes my friends feel like I'm ignoring them or interrupting them with pointless crap. I just make sure they know that I don't do it on purpose and that it's a shit part of my personality. They know that they can tell me off or to shut up if I'm being selfish lol! My real friends are the ones that love me anyway and know that I don't do it to hurt them, and they pull me up on it so it's all good! Sooo the moral is, if these girls are your good friends they'll just have to accept that they're not being nice and pull their head in a bit!


Well-known member
Those people aren't going to have anyone to talk to eventually. And if I were you, I'd practice what they preach and just start ignoring their rude asses.

Miss A

Well-known member
i have a co worker but she is only 17 and i am 21 but EVERYTHING i say or someone else does even if she wasnt in the convo she has to come back with a story that relates herself to it OR she just tries to top whatever you said i call this covo competitons. this is soooooo annoying so now when she does it i pick up my phone and start texting or i start reading, the sad thing is this girl has no clue and just keeps talking like she will die if she stops. aaaaacckkk but sometimes when im bored i will make up things to talk about just to see what crazy things she will say. Also this girl thinks she is rich and overheard me talking about how i love all things MAC and JUICY she goes to another co-worker and aks what am i talking about, MAC and juicy is not nice things its cheap! lets say im not her biggest fan........


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
If they have no interest in you/what you are saying, then it's time to find new "friends." Being a friend is a two-way's give and take. Whenever it becomes one-sided it's time to move on.

Took the words straight out of my mouth. Great answer!