Dear Holiday Hours, Go Away!


Well-known member
So I don't know about all of you but I work at a MAC counter inside of Macy's and Macy's has the lamest holiday hours ever. For all of December the store hours go anywhere from 7:00AM to Midnight. Which translates to 6:45AM to 12:15PM. Not to mention the joy it was having to be at work, false lashes (for our look that day) and all at 5:45AM the day after Thanksgiving.
My shifts for today and the next two days were/are 3:00PM or 3:15PM to 12:00AM or 12:15AM. It's almost 2:00 and I'm barely gonna go to bed, I had to eat something when I got home and kind of wind down. For the first two weeks no one would even come in after 9:30pm and now it dies at about 10:30.
I'm really stoked though because I've gotten a ton more hours this month. I'm a 24 hour employee but they asked me to work full-time this month so I've ranged between 30-37 hours,
Anyway, what are the crazy holiday hours like for all of you?


Well-known member
When I went to check out the Originals yesterday, the MA was yawning and appologizing profusely--it didn't bother me, I know it was like just before 10 in the morning but she said these holiday hours are killer, closing one day and opening the next. The MAC counter I go to is in the Bay department store and they've extended the hours from 8am to 10pm (so not as bad as the Macy's hours you guys are open for) but it is longer for something to be open in Downtown Winnipeg--it seems like after about 6pm everyday, downtown is a ghost town as all the office workers have gone back to the suburbs and practically no stores are open.

Hang in there, only a bit more to go!!


Well-known member
Oh man! Hold on, you are almost there!

Well, when I went to my local counter, which I pass by and say hi to them every day, they were all really tired as well! One, said she is working from 8:15 am to 11:15 pm! Those are some hours you guys put in!

But, makeup artists are some awesome people! So, keep up the great work and just know you inspire people like me!


Well-known member
Ugh, tomorrow I have to work 4:30pm to 12:30am. I'm usualy in bed asleep at 10:30 every night, I'm going to be a Zombie on Sunday when I have to be there at 9am. Hang in there girl, only a few more days!

PS I sent you a friend request on Myspace.


Well-known member
I love the late hours as a shopper but you can't have people working late nights and coming in 8 hours later or working 15 hour days. That's not cool.


Well-known member
Today 3:30pm to 12:30am....WTF!!!! I'm off tomorrow (Hallelujah) then Sunday 2-9, Xmas Eve 12:30-6:30....and then ((DRUM ROLL)) the 3 days IMMEDIATELY after Xmas= either 12:30 or 2 til 9.....and the best part---> going in on NEW YEAR'S DAY for get this--- 3 HOURS.
So much for goin to ATL to celebrate New Year's Eve =( Maybe I'll just go to Charlotte instead

Oooh I forgot to mention....I'm still freelance/on-call at the moment, but my manager pretty much FORCED me to apply for full-time permanent staff!!!!
Apparently I've been such a "good egg" and have gotten high reviews from my co-workers
Oh yeah, oh yeah, go me, go me



Well-known member
I don't know what the labor laws are in other states but here in CA you have to have either 8 or 10 hours off between shifts. Lot's of times, closing and then turning around and opening is not only crappy but it's illegal. The company can also get fined for not complying with labor laws so you rmanager would more than likely appreciate the heads up.
Hang in there ya'll and good luck SChotgurrl, you'll get that full-time position


Well-known member
Yeah, we're open until 11PM, so that means we'll be in there 'till midnight or even later...

I was thinking about who the hell shops at 11pm?! WTH?!


Well-known member
Bernadette: get out of my brain. my myspace quote was just DIE HOLIDAY HOURS DIE!!!! we close until 12:30 and somedays we open at 6:30. I've dont the closing but not the opening - cause i would have to just stay awake cause i can not get up at 5am to try to look cute.....and yes i feel u on the counter dying at 9:30 so u are just standing there/cleaning for hours and hours.


Well-known member
At least you don't work at Macy's Herald Square. We're open from 6am on the 21st to 6pm on the 24th. Fortunately I didn't get scheduled to work any overnights. Who shops at 3am? If you haven't done your holiday shopping by now, too bad.


Well-known member
The store my counter is in is reeeeeally bendy with their hours; one of the shiftiest things they do is 'soft close' - they'll come around 20 minutes before scheduled close and tell us that the store hours have been kicked back another hour or so, or more often than not, they won't tell the concession counters at all and we only find out when a 'customers, for your shopping convenience the store will now be closing at ______ o'clock!' announcement goes over the PA.

They also don't play a closing announcement over the PA when the store really is closing in order to keep customers in the store after hours. Ugh.

We've been on an 8AM-12 midnight rota (so 7:30 AM - 12:15 AM) and some really flaky Christmas casuals have bailed on us, so there's been a few days where I've worked from 7:30AM through to 8:30PM in order to cover shifts. It's a pity that we're not paid overtime; this last week I've done nearly 45 hours!

Only a few more days to go.


Well-known member
at least u guys are getting additional hours - we might get one hour a week but that is it. most of those outrageous hours, we are sitting there alone. fun for all ;-) *rolls eyes*


Well-known member
Luckily, our Walgreens store (I'm a cosmetics register monkey) is one of few to not have holiday hours (if you're not a 24-hour store, usually you would be open to midnight for two weeks up until Christmas). This year we close at normal time -- 10 PM. I guess they figured that keeping the lights on and paying us would cost them more than they're making in profit during those hours. I can believe it, because working those additional two hours was boring as hell. Hardly anyone came in. We were allowed to bring ipods and books, for crying out loud.

Hang in there girls, it's almost over! Personally, I'm Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer'ed and Jingle Bell'ed out. If I have to hear that Muzak rendition of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ONE MORE TIME...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Ahahaha I know! I'm sick and tired of Christmas songs... go away!! GO AWAY!

I LOVE Christmas music - i keep hearing the same mac stuff over and over ... give me some mariah carey, jackson 5 any day.


Well-known member
Overnights and "soft closes" what the beeping beep! So lame! We've been utilizing a lot of freelancers and had some problems with them showing up as well. Not to mention a lot of girls have been sick lately which is really making things that much harder. The worst is when someone wants their makeup done right now. It took me over 30 minutes to actually start a lady today after having sat her. I just want to be like "I am going to have to stop away so many times that it's going to take two hours to do you rmakeup, are you sure you want it done?" Tomrrow when we're nearly booked with appointments should be interesting....


Well-known member
Man I just transferred into a Macy's counter and seriously wtf is up with the midnight closing? The mall closes are 10 and besides Fridays and Saturdays the crowd dies out at 10ish. Luckily since I just came to Macy's I don't close or open cuz I don't know their system haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
The worst is when someone wants their makeup done right now. It took me over 30 minutes to actually start a lady today after having sat her. I just want to be like "I am going to have to stop away so many times that it's going to take two hours to do you rmakeup, are you sure you want it done?" Tomrrow when we're nearly booked with appointments should be interesting....

Oh girl we let them know right off the bat it will take over an hour to do your make-up and we will have to constantly step away. Most people understand because they see the crazyness going on around them, those who don't just have to deal haha.


Well-known member
and speaking of that crack of dawn opening - i'm scheduled to open tomorrow at 10am and hen i had to go to our asst manager and check the time cause that didn't seem right.....well Macy's opens at 7am and we didn't know it. i would have arived at 10 and been confused. i need this mess to just go away!!!!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
sooo... uhm Queens Center mall (queens, ny) is open 24 hours. im like hi, not a 7-11. thank god roosevelt field isnt like that or id quit. the past month ive been working 12 to 12 shifts Fri, Sat and Sun. I was ringing someone up today and he was just quite overly annoyingly pretentious and i didnt say "merry christmas" or "happy holidays" and he started FLIPPING OUT. i started a sentence in retaliation to the effect of "work 36 hours on your feet every weekend for peanuts with obnoxious people and lets see how merry your christmas is" but i stopped and walked away.

every shift....
i die a little inside ...
