Demo Intervew - Model Dilemma!


Well-known member
Okay, so I haven't even applied yet (still another two and a half months 'till my 18th birthday =X), but I have been yearning to get a job as a makeup artist for several years now and with MAC, specifically, for the past year and a half.
On the offhand chance I make it to the demo portion of the application process, I want to be as prepared as is humanly possible.
I was planning on using my mom as my model, but I have a few problems with that. She has incredibly sensitive skin and while most of the MAC line hasn't irritated it, the mascara came within an inch of her eye and instantly began to irritate it.
Does anyone have any suggestions on getting around a mascara irritation on your model? Would it be better to switch my model?
And the other thing is that my mom has a very reddish skin tone and pale skin (NC15). What would be a good choice of blush colour? She doesn't ever wear blush because of her reddish undertones, so it needs to be light.
Thanks for any help anyone can offer ^_^


Well-known member
hmm i would say to use another model other then your mom some people have very sensitive skin when it comes to cosmetics i dont think u wanna risk it by using her again in case something happens


Well-known member
I would definitely try and switch your model as well. However, that may be an interesting thing to give you an advantage is seeing how you work with a model who may have more sensitive skin. Since you have time though, definitely see if you have any friends who can be the model.


Well-known member
Like the other ladies said i would also try to look for another model. Maybe you can ask one of your friends or cousins? Make sure you feel comfortable working with their skin, you should practice putting makeup on them.
Good luck!


Well-known member
Thanks a ton guys! I'll definitely start looking into finding another model (I have a very good friend who is absolutely gorgeous - And she does professional modeling too), while still double checking to make sure it really is ALL mascaras she's sensitive too. I wanted to have her there partially for moral support and partially because she's the reason I'm doing this in the first place ^_^


Well-known member
If you do end up using your mom try using gingerly. It looks natural on everyone, not too pink or red.

Im confused though, if your mom has reddish skin tones wouldn't she be a NW. Usually NC are used for people with yellow undertones.


Well-known member
Gah! Thanks for catching that! I'm not super familiar with the MAC foundations (I'm a tinted moisturizer kind of gal). I just remembered 15 being her number, and I mixed up NC and NW. Thanks for the tip on blush and catching my mistake. =) Gotta get better at remember the difference between NC and NW


Well-known member
A tip for sensitive eyes. If you are just trying to get some colour on the lashes for the look, and not necessarily needing volumizing etc, I will take my 212 brush and dip it heavily into blacktrack fluidline and paint the lashes to just tint them a little bit. Just an idea if you do need to use your mom.