Depotting UD eyshadows


Well-known member
I have quite a few Urban Decay eyeshadows but I feel they get neglected becuase they're sitting loose and not in one of my MAC palettes. Every time I do my make-up, I reach for one of my palettes just for haste. It's sad because I have some amazing UD shadows that get very little love. the point now...
I'd like to depot my UD eyeshadows and put them in my pallettes. The only thing I'm concerned about it is damaging them - I've heard horror stories about the shadows crumbling when depotted. As I have some d/c ones, I don't want to risk that happening.

When I depot MAC shadows I use the flame method and poke a pen through to detach the shadow from the pot - should I use a different method with UD shadows? Also, a lot of mine are screw tops too -which I am scared to attempt!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I believe if you search the site, there are tutorials re. UD shadows.

I hear that it helps if you keep the shadow pot low to the surface and heavily pad the surface with towels, to keep it soft. Your other option is to buy the new pallette box UD makes, which requires no depotting


Well-known member
I depotted my one and only (I think its half baked) UD shadow and I used the flat iron method. Just popped it onto the wax paper, then onto the flat iron for maybe 3 minutes. then with a very small kitchen knife I slid it in the crevice and it popped right out. And stupid me didn't have any magnets so I just put it in my palette. And now its stuck n there and it won't come out. LOL

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
ive depotted about 25 UD shadows without ever breaking one.
- when you pop the black peice and the shadow out of the pot (by wedging your knife under it), keep the lid slightly closed with your hand so it doesnt go flying about the room.
- when youre heating the bottom of the black plastic peice, you should heat it long enough that when you push up with your thumbtack, it should take little to no effort. thats how shadows break or get damaged because you dont heat them long enough and try to force them out. just heat them long enough and they should come out like butter.


Well-known member
I tried to depot my UD shadows....the first attempt was unsuccessful and ended up in me not only shattering the eyeshadow but also nearly breaking my tweezers and then a little knife

I find it much harder to pop them out compared to Mac, any tips?