different way of doing cats eyes...never done this before!!


Well-known member
Herro girls!!

I had my last exam today....next week i graduate from college!!!!!!!

I did this at like 3am when i woke up to study ahahaha something i've seen henna spirit do as an 'arabic' look...of course i can't do it anywhere near as magical as her but i gave it a whirl!!



Well-known member
i've wanted to do that lining so bad and you pulled it off great! i might have to use it as a guide... ;]


Well-known member
I love it! I'd like to know what brushes you used and a few more shots of the eye so I can study it and try it


Well-known member
brush? i didn't use no brush for that! ahaahha

i just used a super sharp pencil...i always do...i know i know im really unorthodox when it comes to eyeliner, i don't use gel with brushes or liquid or anything, just a really sharp pencil.....

i deleted all the other pics i had! i didn't take many cos it was more of an experimental thing...next time!!