Dior - tattoos...


Hello ladies (and gentlemen) I recently signed with a agency in the UK and have been offered temporary work with Dior in a John Lewis dept store. The recruitment manager has penciled me in to work next weekend but I need to be store approved first. I have quite a few tattoos.. sleeves more or less and also my hands.. This might fly with MAc but maybe not with Dior. Has anyone had any experience with Dior/John Lewis/'Store approval with visible tattoos? I went straight down to John Lewis after I got the call about the work and asked on a few other counters about the tattoo policy/store approval and everyone said just dress nicely and they weren't aware of anyone not getting jobs because of tattoos. I'm going to try and cover them up the best I can - Even with camouflage makeup and hope for the best but I was hoping for a heads up from you lovely people?? Thanks! :)