Do ever relate things you see back to MAC?


Well-known member
Sometimes, no, a lot of the time, I'll be doing something and the clock might read 2:19 and I think of the 219 brush, or the page I'm photocopying 187, and I think how I need to get a full-size 187.

On occasion, I'll think, "I bet MAC has a shadow in that color." Or "that car color looks just like Deep Truth."

Often, I'll equate things in terms of MAC, like this purse costs about four shadows after tax. lol

So, I'm wondering, does anybody else do this? My worst is with numbers and brushes!

BTW: I'm sorry about the typo in the title!! I didn't realize I did it till I hit the submit button and it popped up!


Well-known member
I don't think I've ever done that, but the other night I'm pretty sure I was talking about pigments in my sleep (or rather that stage where you're completely out of it, but not quite asleep). My husband patted me on my head and I must've shut up.


Well-known member
My Dad was talking the other day about buying some mulch and I thought, I love that color hahaha.


Well-known member
I do that ALL the time, dude!
I'll see a math problem and they'll say " Jimmy traveled Northwest..." and I'll be like "oooh, NW"
Or North Carolina = NC

My history class is in room 109 and I've been meaning to get that brush.

And I do relate colors to MAC shades.

We're MAC nerds.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I don't think I've ever done that, but the other night I'm pretty sure I was talking about pigments in my sleep (or rather that stage where you're completely out of it, but not quite asleep). My husband patted me on my head and I must've shut up.

that is the funniest thing ive heard all day!

I think about mac a lot in my regular life and relate things back to it, but i couldnt give u an example, sadly


Well-known member
Yes, I did that recently. I was in a class discussion about color transparency and I commented to a fellow student that her color transparency reminded me of Pinked Mauve pigment. She had no clue what I was talking about. But it's all to the good


Well-known member
yessss i do that all the time. ill see a shirt and im like what is this color? aquadisiac? newly minted?? haha
i have an art class and when i mix colors im thinking what e/s color i want it to look like.
and im also guilty of doing it with car colors.

yes. we are mac nerds.


Well-known member
I notice brush numbers when they appear elsewhere, try to match colours of cars, clothes etc. to pigments and other products.

Last weekend, I was trying to match up the colours our bedroom is currently decorated in with MAC shades. It was a depressing thought that our walls are sort of Firespot-like, with Bang-on Blue gloss paintwork, a Cranberry carpet and a Playful ceiling.
(None of this is our choice, I'd hasten to add; we haven't redecorated it since moving in.)


Well-known member
omigosh i wish i never read this thread, i've ever done the clock thing or the car + color thing but now that i read this im going to think about it all the time >.<

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