do i have a problem?


Active member
i usually don't like airing extremely dirty laundry but, im seriously starting to just lose it. why does it seem literally everyday i get into an argument with my mother i get called a bitch and asshole and it's always put off me, now i'm seriously contemplating suicide because i'm sick of this, it's been going on since last year and i don't what else to do. she's had affairs with married men and when i said things to her like dont you think you deserve better than that because i think she does, she gets an attitude, i've always noticed this. the one guy she new he was married i felt that was unfair to his wife, children and her. then this other guy came along it was just something about him that seemed off. she made sexually implied comments about him to me, which i felt was inappropriate b/c i keep my sexual life,comments, and fantasies to myself, parents and children shouldn't talk with another like that IMO. so anyway everyday this guy was calling to see if i was at home or sleep(so creepy) he wanted to know when i was going back to class,etc. he wanted to know all this because he was so anxious to get in her pants, i overheard a convo i feel bad overhearing, one b/c i don't like feeling like i'm invading privacy, and two b/c it was starting to confirm what i that about him, this whole time he had her convinced he only had a g/f. i felt it was wrong to cheat on his "girlfriend". later on down the run after she slept with him it turns out he had a WIFE and two kids.

she put the blame of her feeling embarrassed off on her aunt because she said, f*** his girlfriend. she put her shame and embarrassment off on everyone else. when she told me before that she was going to do what she wanted to in that situation, b/c i don't like the idea of guy who comes at me sexually on a racially tip,like he did, i'm not trying to be a fantasy girl not to mention also when he found out she was old enough to be his aunt or mother then he asks her about me, i thought it was the rudest thing ever for her to tell him i don't like white guys, they're ugly to me, that's not true by any means first off, i don't discriminate, so i didn't like that comment being made toward someone i didn't know, she always tells people that i don't like white guys, only nat. americans, wtf. anyway this guys asks can he still come by to see her and talk to her she says no, but one day i was walking to the kitchen to get some water in a t shirt and panties b/c i didn't know he was gonna be there, why does it always seem i walk out of my room like that becuase it's just me and her living here and most times she's not really home, but he always right there with a creeper look on his face, it's just something so off about him. anyway now she knows he's married all he talks about his kids and says his kids are why he wont get a divorce and he's always showing pictures of him giving them baths feeding them etc. he says he wants to raise them and not just see them during the weekend.

she told me all that and i had been trying for the longest not to say anything, she claims he's not just using her ass a fantasy booy call, but he told her when he said he wasn't living his wife b/c of the kids that him and his wife only have sex once a monthe so that's why he was trying to get in her pants but seriously it seems like a change in her attitude since he's come around, no joke. one day i wanted to drop some apps off, i asked her just like this,"i wanted to go pick some apps. up and drop them off, is that ok?" she said i was acting like her mother with that statement and that wasn't asking. then when she thought she was pregnant or had an std, and i said i wanted to leave b/c i didn't want to deal with the drama of her having a baby with someone who was already married, i had moved on later on that day and just closed the door to the comp. room because i have a lot of noise going on and i don't want to disturb, then eventually i went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night and she had left to work and didn't text or anything and a couple hours went by, but she told her friend i was mad at her and she's sick my s***, i felt that was immature on her part, it's been a lot of this lately.

one night she called me a selfish, insensitive bitch, b/c i said i was tired of how one minute i can be trying to talk to her about something joyous or have a happy, laughable moment, and she cuts it off to say something pessimistic about how we have no money, it's depressing and i try to avoid the topic and reality of how she says we have no money, but she said i'm not affected by it because no bills are in my name, wrong a whole household is affecting by the littlest of problems, a whole family can be thrown off if one person has a problem. then today when we were talking she made the comment that i'm not man crazy, b/c "that's how she raised me and she always told me just b/c i see her do something i shouldn't do it", my whole life i've seen her be an idiot over men, every time she had an affair she said she just wanted to get laid, so why is everyone making her out to be a bad guy, and that i'm too immature to understand that once you're sexually active you "crave" alot of sex,wtf just b/c i don't share my fantasies and feelings and desire for sex with my family doesn't mean anything. she also gives the excuse that her mother and grandmother had affairs with married men, so she couldn't help but follow in their footsteps from watching them, they all had babies out of wedlock at 21(i'm not shunning this but, i guess supposedly in my culture it's a no-no) so again it was up to me not to do the same, so this morning a fight broke out b/c i said my personality is why i'm not man crazy then she said no it's the way she raised me.(i know in my previous post i was having male related problems but mostly b/c i hate our friendship is possibly done due to silly stuff, including her, b/c i was arguing with her and we just so happen to be talking and i had to vent to someone and i think he got tired often times he would comfort and give advice, but perhaps it was getting old.) i don't understand how she says that she got pregnant at 21 and had affairs b/c those before her did but, i made it past 21 without a baby, and i'm not man crazy b/c although i have seen her do silly things with guys, she raised me well, and it has nothing to do with my personality and the fact that i don't feel every guy is worth sex and tears.

i've always been that way it's just me i only choose to get intimate with someone i care about, not casual sex with someone else's man that's one of the many things my hand is for, to clean the pipes, sorry if that sounded vulgar, she said masturbating is weird, and women who do are nasty and weird

i'm sorry if this was too long and messy but i just wanted to know if maybe i do have some sort of problem b/c i honestly don't know what to do


Well-known member
It doesn't sound like there is something wrong with you.
Seems more like your mom have a hard time figuring out to be the parent in your relationship.

When your mom want to try and be your friend more than your mom, it tends to lead to weird situations. Plus the name calling to me seems like immaturity on her side....

Since I can tell you're over 21, and that you have considered moving out, I was just wondering why you haven't? Is it the money thing? Just wondering (even though it is hard at the moment) if there was a way for you to work and still do the classes (you mentioned going to class). Might be hard work, but would get you away from the situation.
Seems like a good idea, to get some distance from her personal problems, and so you might be able to make your own life instead of dealing with hers, and her projections.

And no suicide!!!! I've had depressions before and wanted to do that. But it's not worth it... it's better to get distance from the root of your misery instead. makes it a lot easier to cope.

Hope this helps a bit.
I'm not bothered about talking about my depression, if you feel like it just pm me.
I just don't want to post it where people that know my family might read.


Well-known member
i wasnt able to read the whole post, cause i need to get to work, but girl, you need to move out!!!


Active member
i am having a tough time with the school/work thing, i've been trying to find something until i start school by the end of this year but no luck. thing is though she would always say we had a good relationship up until now which is true i would always go to her for advice and such but i don't if she having a mid-life crisis or what b/c something seems off, but i agree too that she might have a hard time stepping from friend to parent b/c it's always been just us, which i hate, i would really like if she could find a NICE guy to date, b/c i've noticed too often that she mentions how she wish she had a boyfriend to go out on dates with,etc. i just don't understand why she won't, i often feel like in reality she may not feel as deserving of as she says she does, but unfortunately i don't have enough money to get my own place


Well-known member
If you cannot afford to move out, I would try and find a friend to stay with during the times this creepy guy is over. He sounds like a dog and way too interested in you if he is supposedly interesed in your mother--but if he is cheating on his wife he is not going to be faithful to any one. It is too bad your mother doesn't consider that.

But, it is not your place to tell her that if you are the daughter. I would try to talk to your mother when she is in a good mood and explain than you are quite uncomfortable with her discussing her sex life with you and that you feel as a parent there are some things that you will probably not be comfortable sharing with her.

She sounds very immature to me. But you cannot judge that or try to fix it, all you can do is tell her your level of discomfort. M

Maybe she is going thru a midlife crisis, who knows? It sounds like she just wants an excuse for what she knows is bad choice in behavior. But if you are around less when she does this inappropriate stuff, she will probably do it less, even if she doesn't understand the reasons.

If you cannot move out, I would at least try and find someone or somewhere you can go to get some privacy and to get away from this creep!


Active member
you know she will say how he's an asshole and that he calls her, she says he claims how his wife entrapped him with a pregnancy, she says she can tell when he's lying b/c he's not a good liar' he may not be a good liar but i will say this guy something is just not right about him to me, like one day when they were out he was in the car depressed b/c his wife didn't feed the kids or whatever, maybe i am too immature to understand why won't he leave her, one day they might get a divorce but i definitely don't think it's anytime soon, just like i don't understand why if she knows his an asshole, doesn't care about anyone, and says most times married men don't leave their wives why she says she wishes he did care about her b/c she enjoys talking to him,etc. and i don't think he's into anyone i think he'll take what he can get


Well-known member
A few things: Your mom's mom and grandmother had affairs with married men, and now she's repeating the same thing because that's what she learned. Yet at the same time, you somehow didn't turn out that way (yay for you!) either because she raised you to be that way (as she said), or you were smart enough not to copy her behaviour. If she raised you to be that way, give her some credit. Even if she can't apply her principles in raising you to herself, at least you aren't doing and won't do the same thing.

It also sounds like she's under a lot of stress re: money. I think she's making these stupid choices with men because 1) that's what she learned 2) she doesn't feel good about herself 3) she's under a lot of stress. So, seeing it from her point of view, of course she would rail back at you and when you call her out on her shitty behaviour. It's not right and I'm not condoning it, but sometimes a little insight helps, you know?

Her sexual choices and behaviour are a really big problem. It's not you who has the problem. It's not ok for her to be conducting herself like this in front of her child, even if you are an adult.

I would try talking to her in a really calm, honest way. Do not criticize her. Tell her how her behaviour is affecting you and how you feel, how you used to be able to go to her for advice and everything. Do not yell, accuse, call her names, etc. You guys have to work together to get through whatever the money problems are. If you're in school, maybe you can find some financial aid, or talk to a counsellor that you can access at school.

Ultimately, you can't control her behaviour. She is making her own choices for whatever reason, and you know they aren't healthy. You can tell her what you think until you're blue in the face, but it won't change her. But if you can be totally honest with how it's affecting YOU, maybe she'll reconsider some of her behaviour. I'm really sorry you're going through this. But committing suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!!! Try to take care of yourself as much as you can in the meantime. Find ways to vent that don't include going off on your mom. Spend time with friends, exercise, eat healthy, work hard in school - it won't be like this forever. You will get through it.


Well-known member
You need to move out! There isn't anything wrong with you. It's her.

Personally if this were my mom I would tell the wives of every married man she has slept with. Totally throw her under the bus. I find cheaters and home-wreckers absolutely appalling.

Spend as much time with friends as you can and get out of that house. Take care of yourself.


Active member
Originally Posted by paperfishies
You need to move out! There isn't anything wrong with you. It's her.

Personally if this were my mom I would tell the wives of every married man she has slept with. Totally throw her under the bus. I find cheaters and home-wreckers absolutely appalling.

Spend as much time with friends as you can and get out of that house. Take care of yourself.

the drama i fear that would bring, woah. in this situation i dislike him the most and find him the most disgusting, b/c really why won't he leave his wife, there's always some excuse, i don't think he's a nice guy at all, just b/c he'll offer to fix things up around our house for free like move our stove, b/c really that's how this all came about he was working on the house next door to ours, he was remodeling it to sell it, and i guess b/c the house on the other side of us someone stole their tools and stuff and she told him to make sure he didn't leave his tools in there and he supposedly took that as an opportunity to say how he was watching her for months, b/c he thought she was flirting, IMO, how immature to think b/c of that someone is trying to flirt with you, IDK, she said she told him that b/c she didn't want people to break in and for me to be in danger b/c i'm not gonna lie most times when i'm here alone at night i am kinda scared.

and like it's been said about her behavior although i'm an adult, i do agree but honestly if she were in a monogamous relationship and there were "activities" it would be different like she said i acted like she wasn't supposed to have desires and walk around with a Bible all the time, that's far from true, b/c just like me and anyone else i'm more than sure there are desires there i was just implying it's the way you go about it and she says thing like i don't want her to be happy and have a boyfriend/man whatever, i just don't get it b/c like i said i would be happy if there was a guy who had his stufff together and genuinely cared about her, but this scum sucking buzzard,ick. and i'm not judging her and saying she's a whore or anything but like it's been said i do feel more like b/c it's always been just us that freind/ parent line has been blurred and that b/c she's been single all this time and she's over 40 it's over but i disagree and i just wish she could see it from my point of view that that's not the case